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International Workshop by Asian Economic Development Seminar, 6th (Thursday), Feburary
2014/02/06 @ 3:30 PM - 6:40 PM
You are cordially invited to International Workshop by Asian Economic Seminar at 6th of February (Thursday). This will be conveyed in English language. All are welcomed.
Time and Date: 15:30-18:40, 6th, February, 2013
Venue:Basement Floor, “Mizuho Hall”, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Economics
East Bldg. Yoshida Campus, (No.5 building in the map)
吉田中央構内 法経東棟B1「みずほホール」(下記地図5番のビル)
1. 15:30- 16:30
Title: “The Westward Movement of Coastal Manufacturing and the Structural Changes of China’s Regional Economies”
Presenter: Dr. Guo YungHsing, Associate Professor, Chinese Culture University (in Taiwan)
(郭永興氏, 中国文化大学(台湾),社会科学部、副教授)
2. 16:30-17:30
Title: “Do Institutions Affect Social Preferences? Evidence from Divided Korea”
Presenter: Professor Kim Byung-Yeon, Department of Economics, Seoul University
(キム・ビンヨン氏、ソウル大学 経済学部教授)
Break 17:30 – 17:40
3. 17:40-18:40
Title: “Changes in Wage Structure and Wage Differentials in China’s Public and Private Sectors during Economic Transition: a Comparison of 1995 and 2007”
Presenter: Dr. Ma XinXin, Senior Lecturer, Department of Medicine, Kyoto
(馬 欣欣氏, 京都大学 薬学部 専任講師)
Seminar Discussant: Professor Ichiro Iwasaki, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University
(岩崎一郎, 一橋大学 経済研究所 教授)
Language: English
Fumiharu Mieno, CSEAS,Kyoto University
E-mail: mieno-lab at cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tel: 075-753-7311
GO Yano, Graduate School of Economics
Hiroki Kono, Graduate School of Economics