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アジア経済発展研究セミナー (東南アジア研究所、経済学研究科、アジア研究教育ユニット共催)
2013/09/17 @ 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
イベント ナビゲーション
日時 :2013年9月17日(火) 17:00-18:30
報告者::矢野 剛 氏 (白石 麻保氏との共著)京都大学 経済学研究科
論題: Factors in the Development of Trade Credit: Case Study of Provinces in China
場所: 吉田中央構内 法経東館1F 106演習室(下記地図5番のビル)
研究会 website:
Using Chinese province-level panel data for 2001?2009, we investigate significant factors for the development of financial intermediation via trade credit in developing economies. First, we confirm that a competitive market environment, a well-functioning legal system and greater bank loans for non-state-sector firms promote the development of trade credit in China. Conversely, corruption hinders its development. Second, proper functioning of the legal system and bank lending to non-state-sector firms are highly likely to be the cause of the complex relationships between these determinants. Finally, an increase in the number of lawyers effectively improves the quality and function of the legal system, which in turn alleviates the harmful influence of corruption on trade credit development.
JEL classification numbers: G32; O16; O53; P34.
京都大学東南アジア研究所 三重野 mieno-lab at cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp(”at”を@に変換してください)