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CSEAS Colloquium Nov 28 by Dr. Jianxun KONG
2013/11/28 @ 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
イベント ナビゲーション
This is an announcement to invite you to the CSEAS Colloquium for November 2013.
Date & Time: 28 November (Thu) 2013, 16:00~
Place: Middle-sized Meeting Room (No.332), 3rd Floor, Inamori Foundation Building, Kyoto University
Speaker: Dr. Jianxun KONG, Visiting Research Fellow at CSEAS, Kyoto University
This study contributes to the development of network analysis in job attainment by linking Granovetter’s ‘the strength of tie’ with Fei’s (费 孝通) classical paradigm of concentric network. Using the quantitative survey data of labor migrants in Southern Yunnan Province, we found that, unlike the husband-dominated traditional social network in rural areas, the workplace networks of the migrant labors in Southern and Southwestern Yunnan Province tend to be dominated by more wives than husbands. The results also show that, unlike the ‘the strength of weak tie’ advocates, the strength of tie is positively related to not only job attainment, but also job satisfaction (higher status and less discrimination). What is more interesting is that, these differences are more significant for the labor migrant who are in wives’ dominated networks.
KONG Jianxun is director at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, concurrently visiting research fellow at CSEAS, Kyoto University. He started his academic career at the Institute in 1996. Previously he held posts as visiting researcher at the CSEAS, Kyoto University in Japan (2002/03; 2006/07) and at the Institute of Asian Studies of Chulalongkorn University in Thailand (2004/05). Sponsored by the Ford Foundation International Fellowship Program (IFP), he pursued a PhD degree in quantitative sociology at the Institute for Social Change, The University of Manchester (09.2007-09.2011). He worked as Research Associate at Manchester University for one year (2011.10-2012.09). His current research interests include 1) Labor migration; 2) Social capital and social distance in quantitative sociology; 3) Identity of ethnicity and nationality in Southeast Asia.