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JASSO Short Stay exchange student final presentations
2013/09/18 @ 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
イベント ナビゲーション
日時: 2013年9月18日 15:00-18:00 (includes ceremony and celebration in the end)
場所: 京都大学工学部土木工学教室本館
(Meeting room (207), Faculty of Engineering Department of Civil Engineering Historic Bldg(#37, Red Brick 2story bld)., Yoshida campus,Kyoto Univ.)
Learn and practice specific techniques in water management
Farmer institution and cooperation support for sustainable rice agriculture, lesson learner from Japan and Indonesia experiences
Impact of Climate Change and Landscape Alteration in Avian Migration
City Agriculture in Kyoto compare studies with City Agriculture in Jakarta
Reseach on Japanese organic farming as a model for Vietnamese alternative agriculture
Landscape agriculture characteristic of satoyama
Program:PDF Download
Organizer: MASUDA, Gaku
TEL: 075-753-4813