
*: At time of Acceptancetd
Continue: FY2017(H29) / New: FY2018(H30)
Type I : Field-based Area Studies by Using Field Stations and Liaison Offices
H29 I-1 Sustainable Artisanal Gold Mining in Indonesia: Establishing Mercury-Free Extraction Methods and Phyto-Bioremediation of Contamination Takahi Sachiko
(Akita University, Faculty of Education and Human Studies)
H29 I-2 Transformation of Living Environments and Political Changes among Peasants in a Semi-developed Country: A Case Study of Northeast Thailand Fujita Wataru
(Osaka Prefecture University, School of Sustainable System Sciences)
H30 I-3 A Study of Japanese War Reparation Projects in Southeast Asia during the Cold War from the Viewpoint of Architectural and Civil Engineering History Tanigawa Ryuichi
(Kanazawa University, Institute for Frontier Science Initiative)
H30 I-4  Dynamic Change in the Rice Economy of Mainland Southeast Asia: Cultivation and Commercialization of Japonica and Fragrant Jasmine Rice in Thailand Miyata Toshiyuki
(Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Graduate School of Global Studies)
Type II : Intensive and Strategic Area Studies in Collaboration with CSEAS Visiting Fellows
H29 II-1 Land Conflicts in Contemporary Indonesia and Their Meaning in Historical Context Kano Hiroyoshi
(Kyoto University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies)
H30 II-2 Women’s Migration Amid Political and Economic Transformation: A Comparative Study of China and Southeast Asia Sato Wakana
(Niigata University of International and Information Studies, Faculty of International Studies)
Type III : Document-sharing through Use of the CSEAS Repository
H29 III-1 Widening the Scope of Research on Minorities and Christianity in Mainland Southeast Asia through the Ronald Renard Collection Tazaki Ikuko
(Daito Bunka University, Faculty of International Relations)
H30 III-2 The Raw Data of the Indonesian Economic Census and Its Value for Academic Research Koizumi Yusuke
(Sophia University, Institute of Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies)
Type IV : Exploratory Area Studies Aiming at Larger-scale Research Projects
H29 IV-1 Historical Study of the PREK THNOT Power and Irrigation Development Project in Cambodia during the 1960sー1970s Fujimoto Tokihiko
(Shizuoka University, Faculty of Agriculture)
H29 IV-2 The Politics of Anti-Corruption Enforcement Toyama Ayako
(Kyoto University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies)
H29 IV-3 Documentary Research on Han-nom Manuscripts Shimizu Masaaki
(Osaka University, Graduate school of language and culture)
H29 IV-4 (Re)connecting the Past after the Battle Field: A Study of Cambodian Historiography after the End of its Civil War in 1991 Shintani Haruno
(The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences)
H29 IV-5 Current Status of Treatment and Care for Neuromuscular Diseases in Southeast Asia Banno Haruhiko
(University of Massachusetts, Medical School)
H29 IV-6 Factors Affecting Tropical Deforestation Rates in Eight Southeast Asian Countries: Long-term and Regional-scale Analysis Imai Nobuo
(Tokyo University of Agriculture, Department of Forest Science)
H29 IV-7 Factors that Contribute to the Survival of Monarchies in Asia Sakurada Chie
(Kyoto University, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies)
H29 IV-8 Yunnan-Kachin-Assam Corridor: Will China, Myanmar and India Connect in the Interior? Imamura Masao
(Yamagata University, Human and Social Sciences)
H30 IV-9 Study of the Surplus Funds of Rural Credit Unions in Southeast Asia: Toward Integration of Rural Savings into National Financial Markets Ohno Akihiko
(Aoyama Gakuin University, School of International Politics and Economics)
H30 IV-10 Treatment of Soldier Deaths and the Associated Impacts to Security Policy: Comparative Studies of Selected States in Southeast Asia Yasutomi Atsushi
(Miyazaki International College, School of International Liberal Arts)
H30 IV-11 A Trial to Develop Open Science Infrastructure for Southeast Asian Studies Sato Sho
(Doshisha University, Center for License and Qualification)
H30 IV-12 Elder Care in an Urban District of Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand: Predictors of Family Caregiver Burden Watanabe Osamu
(Teikyo University of Science, Physical Therapy)
H30 IV-13 The Role of Religion in Contributing to Peace and Symbiosis in Indonesian Society Nonaka Yo
(Keio University, Faculty of Policy Management)
H30 IV-14 Basic Research on Khmer Inscriptions in Thailand Sato Keiko
(Sophia University, Sophia Asia Center for Research and Human Development)
H30 IV-15 Non Communicable Disease Prevention in the Kingdom of Bhutan: The Development of Teaching Material for an Intervention Trial and Evaluation Imanaka Yuichi
(Kyoto University, Graduate School of Medicine)
H30 IV-16 Area Studies Methodology: Performance Ethnography Iizuka Noriko
(Kyoto University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies)
Essay   IPCR’s Breadth of Inclusiveness Reio Fujita
(First Cultural Properties Division, Agency for Cultural Affairs))
Essay   Politics of Answerability in Southeast Asia Ken Miichi
(Associate Professor, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University)
Type V : Publication of “Kyoto Area Studies on Asia”
H30 V-1 A Study of Kartini’s Letters: Comparing Door Duisternis tot Licht with Brieven Tominaga Yasuyo
(Osaka University, School of Foreign Studies)
Type VI : Individual Research Program for Fostering Young Scholar
H30 VI-1 Buddhist Scriptures of Zen Sect Temples in Modern Vietnam Jung Mee Kyung
(Hanazono University, Graduate School of Literature)
H30 VI-2 A Study of the Factors That Motivate Citizen Volunteers in the Home-visit Health Care Support Volunteer Program for Adults and Children with Disabilities in Rural Vietnam Matsumoto Hitomi
(Kyoto University, Graduate School of Medicine)
H30 VI-3 Awe and Adoration of the Sacred: The Importance of Pa-Auk Buddhist Meditation in Contemporary Myanmar Kawamoto Kanae
(Kyoto University, Center for Southeast Asian Studies)
H30 VI-4 Bibliographic Research on the Aesthetics of the Mountainous Peoples of the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam Border Area Inoue Ko
(National Museum of Ethnology)
H30 VI-5 Comparative Study of Stranger-kings and Priest-kings in Insular Southeast Asia Nishijima Kaoru
(Kyoto University, Center for The Promotion of Interdisclinary Education and Reserch)
Type VII : For the Promotion of Young Researchers’ International Exchange
H30 VII-1 APHPF 2018: The 7th Korea-Japan-China Joint Symposium on Protected Horticulture and Plant Factory
H30 VII-2 2018 AAR (American Academy of Religion) Annual Meeting