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CSEAS Colloquium on 19th December 2014
2014/12/19 @ 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
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This is an announcement to invite you to the CSEAS Colloquium for December 2014.
Date & Time: 19 December (Friday) 2014, 16:00~
Place: Middle-sized Meeting Room (No. 332), 3rd Floor, Inamori Foundation Building, Kyoto University
Speaker: Sompong Missita (Visiting Research Scholar at CSEAS)/ Kitani Kimiya (Assistant Professor at CSEAS) /Ono Mikiko (Assistant Professor at CSEAS)
Title: Why and How will libraries construct their network ?
1. Librarians’ eye
2. Approach of Multilingual Database Construction for small-scale valuable Library
3. Observations about libraries’ network in SEAsia and Japan
1. Librarians’ eye for network by Sompong Missita
The report has three objectives. 1) Report entire Thailand libraries in detail by using Sanamchandra Palace Library, Central library, Silpakorn University as example of the whole group. 2)Report our knowledge that have earned from Japanese libraries such as Kyoto University Library including CSEAS Library, National Diet, The University of Tokyo (The Central Library and The Library of Economics and Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia) , The Central Library of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Library and Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO) Library, which include Southeast Asia documentary and describe Japanese libraries in general. 3)Conclude the knowledge that I have got can be divided in three topics. a) the space of the library. b) information literacy activities and c) the conclusion making.
2. The Approach of Multilingual Database Construction for small-scale Libraries by Kitani Kimiya
Famous Library Databases, such as CiNii Books, OPAC, and KULINE, have been being used in Japan. Nevertheless, Why is the small-scale Library Database for Southeast Asia needed? One of their reasons is the necessity of a specialized intermediate database system for handling special languages and arranging unclear data. I would like to introduce the database utilizing my approach.
3. Observations about libraries’ network in SEAsia and Japan by Ono Mikiko
Although NII(=National Insitute of Informatics) or NDL (National Diet Library) have been constructed the big bibliographical database on the basis of libraries’ network in Japan, there are few cases of libraries’ network in SEAsia. These situations have influenced in the lack of participatory sharing material information and the bibliographical data control among libraries. Thus, We hope the“Southeast Asian Periodical Database”project will offer the opportunities to lead cooperation between libraries in SEAsia and Japan.