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CSEAS Colloquium with Dr. Eva Hansson, October 22, 2015
2015/10/22 @ 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
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This is an announcement to invite you to the CSEAS Colloquium for October 2015.
Date & Time: 22 October (Thursday) 2015, 16:00-17:30
Place: Middle-sized Meeting Room (No. 332), 3rd Floor, Inamori Foundation Building, Kyoto University
Title: Organising for Democracy in Vietnam
Speaker: Dr. Eva Hansson (Senior Lecturer in Political Science and Coordinator of The Forum for Asian Studies at Stockholm University, Sweden)
Vietnam has seen a dramatic rise in different forms of public protest movements during the last decade, relating to both material and non-material issues. A simultaneous mushrooming of political blogs along with political discussions and criticism in social media has also contributed importantly to the carving out and expansion of political space. The focus of this talk is the recent proliferation, diversification and increased stature of pro-democracy groups and organisations that exist outside the legally protected sphere of ‘formal civil society’. Who are they? How do they perceive of their opportunity structures? In what ways, if at all, do they connect with ‘formal’ civil society organisations? How do they experience party-state responses to their pro-democracy activities? This talk relates to a wider on-going project on “Inequality and political regime change in Southeast Asia” and draws in particular on preliminary findings from fieldwork in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City in August 2015, including in-depth interviews with key actors who are organising for democracy in today’s Vietnam.
Dr. Eva Hansson, Senior Lecturer in Political Science and Coordinator of The Forum for Asian Studies at Stockholm University, Sweden (www.asianstudies.su.se). Her research interests are in political regimes, how, when and why they change, state and civil society relations, social movements. She is currently working on a project on protest movements and political regime change in Southeast Asia.