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2016/05/19 @ 4:00 PM - 6:15 PM
イベント ナビゲーション
今回はタマサート大学の人類学者Yukti Mukdawijitra氏に、ベトナムにおけるタイ族の事例からDigital anthropologyについてお話しいただきます。
日時:2016年5月19日(木)16:00~18:00 (15:30分開場)
Yukti Mukdawijitra (タマサート大学社会学人類学部准教授/ 東南アジア研究所招へい研究員)
“Ontological Currency of the Digital: An Ethnography of the Politics of Digitalization of Ethnic Tai Orthography in Vietnam”
Recent debates in anthropology has moved from epistemological crisis of ethnographic representation to ontological crisis of social and cultural sciences. Both humanities and social sciences are viewed that they have approached social and cultural worlds without considerably taking into accounts natural and physical worlds. With respect to the current concerns on global warming, new approaches in anthropology are increasingly raising questions how anthropology in particular and social and cultural imaginations in general engage with the natural, objective, and physical sciences and how social and cultural worlds interact with the natural world or even can be viewed from the object-oriented perspectives (Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari 1980; Philippe Descola 1996, 2013; Bruno Latour 2005). Drawn from such debates, my presentation choose to focus on the ontological understanding of the politics of digital world. Guided by current works in digital anthropology (Heather Horst and Daniel Miller 2012; E. Gabriella Coleman 2010), I present an approach to digital studies in anthropology that offer various aspects of the dialectic of digital world in social and cultural analysis. Furthermore, I present an ethnography of the digital with my study of the digitalization of ethnic Tai script that is taking place in Vietnam in the 2000s-2010s.
Yukti Mukdawijitra is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Sociology and Anthropology at Thammasat University in Thailand. He is currently a visiting fellow at CSEAS. He received a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2007. His Ph.D. dissertation title is “Ethnicity and Multilingualism: The Case of Ethnic Tai in the Vietnamese Nation-State”.
東南アジアの社会と文化研究会 世話人代表・研究会事務局