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CSEAS Colloquium with Dr. Ken MacLean, November, 24, 2016
2016/11/24 @ 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
イベント ナビゲーション

TThis is an announcement to invite you to the CSEAS Colloquium for November 2016.
Date & Time: Thursday, November, 24, 2016, 16:00-17:30
Place: Middle-sized Meeting Room (No. 332), 3rd Floor, Inamori
Foundation Building, Kyoto University
Title: The Production of “Success”: Human (Anti-) Trafficking in the
Sino-Vietnamese Borderlands
Speaker: Dr. Ken MacLean
Associate Professor of International Development and Social
Change, Clark University (USA)
David Mosse, a scholar-practitioner of international development, argues
that the people engaged policy analysis, regardless of whether they take
an instrumental view or employ critical theory, pose the wrong question
when assessing a project’s efficacy. Mosse asserts that a more useful
question is “not whether a project succeeds, but how ‘success’ is
produced.” Close attention to the strategies and tactics used to
control how events connected with a project are interpreted by others
thus provides the means to analyze this complicated and contested
process. With that in mind, the presentaton examines how national-level
Vietnamese actors involved in anti-trafficking efforts define “success.
” I do so by studying through three different genres of trafficked
bodies: the frameworked body, the statistical body, and the media body.
China continues to be the primary “destination” country for Vietnamese
women and children trafficked abroad for the purposes of labor, sex,
forced marriage, which combines aspects of both, and illegal adoption.
Thus the Sino-Vietnamese borderlands serve as the geographic context for
my analysis. The main sections synthesize the official information
currently available on human trafficking and government responses to it.
The purpose is to detail the degree to which these existing narratives
about “success” succeed and on what terms. I highlight when and how
these narratives converge and diverge with regard to the three bodies
discussed, including instances where they take ethnically different form
—specifically, ethnic Viet (Kinh) and H’mong.