PhD in Political Science (University of Hawai ‘i at Manoa)
Specialty: Political Theory

Photo by Suphak Nosten
Although originally trained in political science and philosophy, I have since 2000 been conceptually situating my research at the intertwining relations of four notions: violence, difference, marginality, and temporality. It is thus crucial for my research to always blur different genres of various disciplines of the human sciences: espeially, political science, philosophy, anthropology, and history. My research fields lie at the nexus between migration studies and border studies, focusing especially on the Thai-Myanmar borderlands. It is a border region to where most of my publications on the following issues have devoted: death & atrocity; refugee; music & youth; ethnicity; marginal migrant workers; “cultural fluency”; community engagement; malaria elimination; and special economic zone. My next books include Mae Sot SEZ: Capitalizing Space, Depleting the Margin(al)? (Routledge, forthcoming 2020, a co-authored book with Charlie Thame, M.L. Pinitbhand Paribatra); Light, Water and Rice Stalk: Cultural Fluency for Alterity (Kobfai Publishing Project, Foundation for Democracy and Development Studies, forthcoming 2020, 2nd edition, in Thai). Moreover, during 2008-2011, I was teaching in a college in a “refugee camp” along the borderlands while simultaneously teaching at Thammasat University.
Since joining the Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) in October 2018, I have also been teaching for Kyoto University’s Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences (ILAS) and the Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (ASAFAS). For the former, I have taught Introduction to Comparative Political Philosophy I & II as well as “Cultural Fluency” I & II. For the latter, I have co-taught Refugee Studies.