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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University


Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi)

"Collection and Exhibition of Farming Tools Based on Local Participant Networks in the Himalayan Circle and Japan"
Project Leader: ANDO, Kazou

This joint research looks at the impact of the shift in plough use from the Indian plough to the Chinese plough in traditional farming in Tibet and Nepal. With the participation of local inhabitants, we are also collecting, examining, and cataloging the farming tools used by local communities in Bangladesh, Assam (India), Burma (Myanmar), and Laos, and preparing exhibits of these implements. Finally, we are examining Japanese village revival enterprises led by local administrations, such as the Kameoka Cultural Information Museum and the Miyama Folk Exhibit Museum in the thatched roof village. We will consider the possibility of applying the Japanese model to the other regions in the project and assisting in the formation of a network of collaborating institutions. This third part of the project is also conducted with active community participation.