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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University


Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi)

"Local Social Organizations and Community Initiatives to Cope with HIV/AIDS Risks in the Horn of Africa"
Project Leader: NISHI, Makoto

In Ethiopia, HIV/AIDS is perceived not only as a threat for individual life but also as one of major factors for poverty in the country since the disease primarily attack the people who play central role in productive and reproductive activities. In this research project, I focus on the community initiatives among the Gurage, Southern Ethiopia to prevent HIV and to support people living with the virus. Local interpretations of HIV/AIDS risk and local debates over possible solutions are also examined through interviews with various stakeholders including traditional leaders and members of PHA groups. This study aims to shed light on the potential of community involvement to avert the health crisis and on the conditions under which local democracy is maintained.