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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University


Seminars/Symposia: FY2011

May, 2011

Special Seminar
  1. Title: Realties of marine conservation in the Coral Triangle Region of Sabah, Malaysia: Implications of regional, national and local dynamics
  2. Date and Time: 25 May 2011, 16:00-18:00
  3. Place: Inamori Building, Small Meeting Room 1
  4. Speaker:Ken Kassem, Head of Marine Conservation, WWF Malaysia
  5. Abstract:
    Malaysia sits in the middle of the world's most biodiverseseas. Regional agreements, including the Sulu Sulawesi Marine Ecoregion and the Coral Triangle Initiative have shaped the direction of marine conservation and coastal management. However, political and historical realities have an influence, which makes adhering to agreements challenging for local authorities, resource managers and local communities. At the same time, marine resource status and local livelihoods continue to suffer.