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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University


Seminars/Symposia:FY 2000

February, 2001

Announcement of Special Seminar
  1. Topic:"Can Singapore be a leading high tech state in Asia?"
  2. Speaker:Dr. Shandre Thangavelu, National Singapore University
  3. Date & Time:13:30-. February 23rd (Fri.), 2001
  4. Place:C307 (3rd Floor, Common Building, CSEAS, Kyoto University)
Announcement of the Fifth Seminar on "State, Community, and Market"
  1. Topic:"East Timor: Development Policy Challenges for the World's Newest Nation"
  2. Speaker:Dr.Hal Hill, Professor, Australian National University
  3. Date & Time:12:15- 13:15, February 2nd (Fri.), 2001
  4. Place:E207, ast Building of CSEAS, Kyoto University