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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University


Seminars/Symposia:FY 2001

July, 2001

Special Seminar
  1. Topic & Speaker:"The Causes and Consequences of the Trade in Cagebird in East Kalimantan" by Rajindra K. Puri, Ph.D., Lecturer in Environmental Anthoropolpgy, University of Kent at Canterbury
  2. Date & Time:14:00-16:00, July 19 (Thursday),2001
  3. Place:E207, East Building of CSEAS
Special Seminar
  1. Topic & Speaker:"Trade: An Engine of Growth or Environmental Destruction? The Case of Non-Timber Forest Products in Southeast Asia" by Dr. Deanna Donovan, CSEAS Visiting Fellow
  2. Date & Time:14:00-16:00, July 10 (Tuesday),2001
  3. Place:E207, East Building of CSEAS