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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University


Seminars/Symposia:FY 2002

June, 2002

Joint Special Seminar
  1. Topics & Speakers:
    *"New Migrants and the Revival of Overseas Chinese Nationalism: The Southeast Asian Experience Revisited" by Dr. Liu Hong , CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow
    *"Power and Business: Chinese Business Networks in the Penang-Kedah Axis, 1880s-1910s" by Dr. Wu Xiao An, CSEAS Visiting Research Felllow
  2. Date & Time:14:00-16:00, June 6 (Thursday), 2002
  3. Place:C307, the 3rd floor of Common building of CSEAS
Special seminar of "State, Market and Community Study Group"
  1. Topics & Speaker:
    "Transnationalism, Enterprise Development and Identity Formation: Malaysian Chinese Business in Local and Global Contexts" by Prof. Edmund Terence GOMEZ, (University of Malaya, Visiting Professor for Kobe University)
  2. Date & Time:16:30-18:30,June 28th(Fri.), 2002
  3. Place:C409, the 4th floor of Common Building of CSEAS