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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University


Seminars/Symposia:FY 2003

November, 2003

Special Seminar
  1. Topic & Speaker:
    "Multi-agent systems and role games: Collective learning processes for ecosystem management"
    by Christophe Le Page (CIRAD)
  2. Date & Time:10:30-12:30, November 28th (Fri.), 2003
  3. Place:E207, East Building of CSEAS
Special Seminar
  1. Topic & Speaker:
    "Women in the labor market: the case of Japan and Thailand"
    by Dr. Srawooth Paitoonpong, Visiting Research Fellow of CSEAS
  2. Date & Time:13:30-15:00, November 21 (Fri.), 2003
  3. Place:E207, East Building of CSEAS
Special Seminar
  1. Topic & Speaker:
    "Islam and Democracy: The debate and its implications to the Muslim world and Indoensia"
    by Drs. Riza Sihbudi (Division Head of International Studies, Center for Political Studies, Indoensian Institute of Sciences) (Chairman for the Indonesian Society for Middle East Studies)
  2. Date & Time:15:30-17:00, November 13 (Thur.), 2003
  3. Place:E107, East Building of CSEAS
JSPS-NRCT Workshop- November 6 - 7, 2003 - 
Perspectives of Roles of State, Market, Society, and Economic Cooperation in Asia