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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University


Staff: Visiting Research Fellows

TREBUIL, Guy Francois
Visiting Research Fellow
Area Studies I
Agricultural Systems Dynamics in Southeast Asia,
Human, Regional and Economic Geography,
Participatory modelling for renewable resource management


Research Interests

For the past two years, I have been working on a collaborative research and training/teaching project focusing on the use of “Companion Modelling” (Commod, a participatory modelling approach using Multi-Agent Systems) for the decentralized and integrated management of renewable resource management in Southeast Asia. This CU-Cirad Commod Project is based at the Faculty of Science of Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand. During my fellowship at CSEAS, I will write a handbook on Companion Modelling for postgraduate students. It will be illustrated by the lessons from various case studies dealing with watershed management, agro-biodiversity conservation, or labour migrations issues developed in northern and northeastern Thailand, and Bhutan during the last five years.
After 25 years of professional experience on the study of Southeast Asian agricultural systems dynamics (Thailand - all regions-, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines, Indonesia, Bhutan), I am also interested in the modelling of agrarian dynamics (agroecological processes, socioeconomic, political and cultural determining factors, etc.) and their comparative analysis across mainland Southeast Asia.

Academic Career

Born in 1955, I was trained as an agronomist and an agricultural economist, and obtained my doctorate degree (Agricultural Development) from the National Agronomic Institute in Paris, France in 1987.
I was project leader of cropping and farming systems research projects at Prince of Songkla University, southern Thailand (1981-1984 and 1987-89), the Ministry of Agriculture of the Lao PDR in Vientiane (1984-1986), and Kasetsart University in Bangkok (1989-1993).
I joined the Agronomy Division of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in 1993 to work on upland systems, and moved to its Social Sciences Division in 2001 to carry out research on Companion modelling in rice ecosystems of Southeast Asia until mid-2004 when I joined Chulalongkorn University.
I am presently a senior researcher at the GREEN (Management of renewable resources and the environment) research unit, Centre de cooperation internationale en recherche agronomique pour le developpement (Cirad), France. Since 2001 I am also Director of research in human, regional and economic geography at Paris X University where he is advising Thai and French PhD students.


  1. TREBUIL G., EKASINGH B., and M. EKASINGH. 2006. Agricultural Commercialisation, Diversification, and Conservation of Renewable Resources in Northern Thailand Highlands. In: Moussons, vol. 9/10.
  1. BARNAUD C., TREBUIL G., DUFUMIER M., et N. SUPHANCHAIMART.2006. Rural Poverty and Diversification of Livelihood Systems in Upper Northeast Thailand. In: Moussons, vol. 9/10.
  1. BOUSQUET F., TREBUIL G. and B. HARDY (eds). 2005. Companion Modelling and Multi-Agent Systems for Integrated Natural Resource Management in Asia. Cirad & International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines. 360p.
  1. TREBUIL G., BOUSQUET F., EKASINGH B., BARON C., and C. LE PAGE. 2005. A multi-agent model linked to a GIS to explore the relationship between crop diversification and the risk of land degradation in northern Thailand highlands. In: Bousquet F, Trebuil G, Hardy B (editors). Companion Modeling and Multi-Agent Systems for Integrated Natural Resource Management in Asia. Cirad & International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines. 167-190.
  1. LE COQ J.F., et G. TREBUIL. 2005. Impact of Economic Liberalization on Rice Intensification, Agricultural Diversification, and Rural Livelihoods in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. In: Tonan Ajia Kenkyu (Southeast Asian Studies), Kyoto University, Japan 42/4: 519-547.
  1. BOUSQUET F., TREBUIL G., BOISSAU S., BARON C., D’AQUINO P., and J.C. CASTELLA. 2005. Knowledge Integration for Participatory Land Management: The use of multi-agent simulations and a companion modelling approach. In: Neef A (editor) Participatory Approaches for Sustainable Land Use in Southeast Asia, White Lotus Editions, Bangkok, Thailand. 291-310.
  1. TREBUIL G. 2004. Intensification durable de la production agricole dans les zones a forte densite de population et productivite du sol elevee d’Asie (Sustainable intensification of agricultural production in densely populated and high soil productivity areas of Asia). Colloquiums of the French Academy of Agriculture, vol.1: 65-82.
  1. TREBUIL G. and M. HOSSAIN. 2004. Le riz: enjeux ecologiques et economiques (Rice: ecological and economic stakes). Collection Mappemonde, Belin Editions, Paris. 265 p. [in French].
  1. LE COQ J.F., DUFUMIER M., and G. TREBUIL. 2004. History of Rice Production in the Mekong Delta. In: Boomgaard P, Henley D (editors). Smallholders and stockbreeders: Histories of foodcrop and livestock farming in Southeast Asia, KITLV Verhandelingen series, KITLV, Leiden, Pays-Bas et ISEAS, Singapore. 163-185.
  1. KAM S.P., CASTELLA J.C., HOANH C.T., TREBUIL G. and F. BOUSQUET. 2002. Methodological integration for sustainable natural resource management beyond field/farm level: lessons from the ecoregional initiative for the humid and sub-humid tropics of Asia. In: International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 9:383-395.
  1. TREBUIL G., SHINAWATRA-EKASINGH B., BOUSQUET F., and C. THONG-NGAM. 2002. Multi-Agent Systems Companion Modeling for Integrated Watershed Management: A Northern Thailand Experience. In: X. Jianchu and S. Mikesell (editors), Landscapes of diversity, Yunnan Science and Technology Press, China. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Montane Mainland Southeast Asia (MMSEA 3), Lijiang, Yunnan, China 25-28 August 2002. 349-358.
  1. MALEZIEUX E., TREBUIL G., and M. JAEGER. 2001. Modeliser les agroecosystemes (Agroecosystem modelling). In: Modelisation des agro-ecosystemes et aide a la decision, Malezieux E, Trebuil G., Jaeger M (editors). Collection Reperes, Cirad-INRA, Montpellier, France.17-33.
  1. MANICHON H. and G. TREBUIL, 1999. An ecoregional approach for development-oriented research on agricultural systems. In: Towards an Ecoregional Approach for Natural Resource Management in the Red River Basin of Vietnam, N.N. Kinh, P.S. Teng, C.T. Hoanh and J.C. Castella Editors; Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Hanoi, Vietnam, 6-9 October 1997. 13-28.
  1. TREBUIL G., KAM S.P., TURKELBOOM F. and B. SHINAWATRA, 1997. Systems Diagnoses at Field, Farm and Watershed Levels in Diversifying Upland Agroecosystems : Towards Comprehensive Solutions to Farmers' Problems. In: P.S. Teng et al. (Eds). Systems Approaches for Sustainable Agricultural Development: Applications of Systems Approaches at the Farm and Regional Levels. Kluwer Academic Publishers and IRRI, Great Britain. 99-114.
  1. TREBUIL G. 1996. Farmer differentiation in southern and central Thai agrarian systems: Who benefits from agricultural growth? In: Parnwell M (editor). Uneven Development in Thailand. Avebury Press, Aldershot, Great Britain. 241-264.
  1. TREBUIL G., 1995. Pioneer Agriculture, Green Revolution and Environmental Degradation in Thailand. In: Counting the costs: economic growth and environmental change in Thailand. Jonathan Rigg, (ed.), Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Environment and Development Series, Singapore. 67-89.