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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University


Staff:Visiting Research Fellows

SALEH, Sauliah
Visiting Research Fellow
Area Studies I
Library Management (Comparative legal deposit acts between Japan and Indonesia)

Research Interests

Legal Deposit Acts : comparative between Indonesia and Japan

Academic Career

Since 2001, after I was graduated from University of Indonesia and Magister Management, then up to the present, I was appointed as Head of Bibliography Department of National Library of Indonesia, lecturer and instructor of Library Science in Education and Training Center of National Library of Indonesia, and also as a consultant/speaker for Socialization of International Standard Book Number(ISBN), International Standard Music Number (ISMN) and Cataloging in Publications for Indonesia. 


  1. The Guide Lines for Secondary Literature Publication for Bibliography Department of National Library of Indonesia ( Author and Chief Editor - 2006)
  1. Directoy of Websites of Indonesia (Chief Editor- 2006)
  1. Index Translation (Index Translatiounum) (Chief Editor- 2007 ; published in CD ROM format )
  1. Cultural Bibliography of the Malay Language Countries ( 2005)
  1. Publishers Catalog (Chief Editor since 2005 up to the present ; published in CD ROM format)
  1. Miscellanies on Asian-African Conference : Collection of National Library of Indonesia (Chief Editor, 2005 ; published in printed and CD ROM format )
  1. Cumulation of Indonesian National Bibliography 2000-2003,1999 -2002,1995-1998 (Chief Editor-2005,2004,2003 ; published in CD ROM format)
  1. Union Catalog (Publication-Chief editor since 2001 up to the present)
  1. Cataloging in Publications (Publications-Chief editor since 2001 up to the present)
  1. Indonesian National Bibliography (Publications-Chief editor since 2001 up to the present)