Ronald D. Renard
Visiting Research Fellow
(Term: January 1, 2009 - June 30, 2009)
Area Studies I
History of small groups in the Greater Mekong Region
Research Interests
- Early Tai/Thai/Lao History and how it is (mis)represented in modern Thai
(and Lao) texts and in educational curricula.
Academic Career
- 2006-2007: Manager, UNODC Wa Project, Myanmar
1997-2005: Independent Consultant for many UN agencies (mainly United Nations
Office on Drugs and Crime) for projects and other work in the Greater Mekong
1995-1996: Manager, UNDP Subregional Highland Peoples Project, Bangkok.
1979-1995: History Department Lecturer, Research Center Director, and other
positions at Payap University, Chiang Mai.
- Editor, The Mon-Khmer. Chiang Mai: Chiang Mai University Research Center for Sustainable Development
and the Social Sciences (in press).
- Redefining “Otherness” from Northern Thailand: Creating the Other Requires
Defining Thainess Against Which the Other Can Exist: Early-Twentieth Century
Definitions.” Tonan Ajia Kenkyu 44:3 (December 2006), pp. 295-320.
- “The Mandalay Connection: Drugs in Myanmar/Burma.” In Transnational Organized Crime: Myth, Power, and Profit: Myth, Power, Profit.” Durham: Carolina 2003.
- Opium Reduction in Thailand 1970-2000: A Thirty-Year Journey. Chiang Mai: Silkworm 2001.
- "The Differential Integration of Karen into the New Thai State in
the Early 20th Century: The Unmaking of the Tai". Civility and Wildness. Oxford 2000.
- “The Burmese Connection: Illegal Drugs & the Making of the Golden Triangle.”
Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1996. Studies on the Impact of the Illegal Drug
Trade, vol. 6.
- “Studying Peoples Often Called Karen.” In Claudio O. Delang, ed. Living at the Edge of Thai Society: The Karen in the Highlands of Northern
Thailand. London: RoutledgeCurzon, pp. 1-15.
- “On the Possibility of early Karen Settlement in the Chiang Mai Valley.”
In Yukio Hayashi & Aroonrat Wichienkeep, comps. Inter-Ethnic Relations in the Making of Mainland Southeast Asia and Southwestern
China. Chiang Rai: Rajabhat Institute Center of Ethnic Studies, Center for Southeast
Asian Studies, Kyoto University 1998, pp. 59-84.
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