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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University


Staff: Visiting Research Fellows

Visiting Research Fellow
(Term: June 1, 2012 - November 30, 2012)
Division of Economic and Political Dynamics

Research Interests

Soon after the December 26, 2004 Giant Sumatran Earthquake and Tsunami, I joined to the national committee for establishing the Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (InaTEWS), and LIPI had a mandate to build resilient community through public education. Since then, I have interacted with a lot of social scientists and the field practioners on disaster preparedness. Our task is to increase awareness of the people on tsunami hazards and interfacing our early warning to the people.

Despite our achievement on tsunami warning systems by announcing the tsunami alert in less then 5 minutes, we face still the challences on community preparedness, e.g the respons to tsunami warning vary from one place to other place. The last two strong Indian Ocean earthquakes that not followed by tsunami caused the panic situation in some cities in Sumatra.

Related to such a background, my current research is how to build the resilient society through development of soft systems in facing natural disaster by looking back to past natural changes (disaster) and how did the people respond to such changes. I will start by comparing first Japan and Indonesia, particularly on earthquake and tsunami.

Academic Career

Researcher Posts:
2009: Research Professor, Geology and Geophysics at Research Center for Geotechnology of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
Strategic Positions:
2012 : Director of Asia Pacific Center for Ecohydrology (APCE) Center Catagory II under Auspice of UNESCO
2006-2011: Deputy Chairman for Earth Sciences LIPI
2009-2012: Co-PI with Prof. K. Satake on JST-JICA SATREP Project on Multi Hazard Reduction from earthquake and volcanoes in Indonesia and act as Project Director.
Selected Honors
2012 : Recognation and Apreciation from Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), Sub- Commission for the Western Paciffic (WESTPAC)
2011 : HAGI AWARD 2011 For Contribution to Geophysical Knowledge from the Indonesian Association of Geophsicsts (HAGI)
2001 : Medal of the “Satya Lancana Pembangunan” from the Government of Republic of Indonesia for the contribution in the National Development.

Main Publications

  1. Kenji, Satake, Hery Harjono, 2012. Multi-disciplinary Hazard Reduction frm Earthquakes and Volcanoes in Indonesia. Jour. Disaster Res. Jan 2012
  1. Meilano, Irwan, Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, Heri Andreas, Irwan Gumelar, Dina Sarsito, Rahma Hanifa, Rino, Hery Harjono, Teruyuki Kato, Fumiaki Kimata, Yoichi Fukuda, 2012. Slip rate estimation of the Lembang fault West Java from from geodetic observation, Jour. Disaster Research. Jan 2012
  1. Satish, Singh C., N. Hananto, M. Mukti, H.Permana, Y. Djajadihardja, H. Harjono, 2011. Frontal rupture and large tsunami during the 25 th October Pagai Earthquake, SW Sumatra., Geophys. Res. Letters , Vol. 38, L16313, 6 PP., 2011; doi:10.1029/ 2011GL048935 .
  1. Satish C. Singh, N. Hananto, M. Mukti, D.P. Robinson, S. Das, A. Chauhan, H. Carton, B. Gratacos, S. Midnet, Y. Djajadihardja, H. Harjono, 2011, Discovery of a deep subducted seamont beneath the Sumatra aseismic forarc mantel. Nature Geosciences. Nature Geoscience, Volume 4, Issue 5, pp. 308-311 (2011). DOI:10.10.38/NGEO1119
  1. G. Strunz1, J. Post, K. Zosseder, S. Wegscheider, M. Mück, T. Riedlinger, H. Mehl, S. Dech, J. Birkmann, N. Gebert, H. Harjono, H. Z. Anwar, Sumaryono, R. M. Khomarudin, A. Muhari, 2011. Tsunami risk assessment in Indonesia. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 11, 67–82, 2011.


As seismologist, my research is focused on earthquakes and cctive tectonics. Since 1980 I have participated in a lot of fieldworks including marine geological cruises. In 1992 using a new Indonesian Research Vessel (R/V Baruna Jaya) with my Co-PI, Diament from IPGP France, we discovered a new fault off shore of Sumatra that we called Mentawai Fault Zone (Published in Geology, v.20, p259-262, see Diament et al, 1992). In this periode I also studied seismicity of the Sunda Strait and by analysing seismic wave acrossed The Krakatau complex, I detected 2 magma reservoir system beneath the volcano: the deep reservoir located more than 20 km, and the several pockets at the depth of less than 9 km (published in J. Volc. Geother. Res., 39, 335-348, see Harjono et al, 1989).