April, 2004
- Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia
(Islam in Southeast Asia on March, 2004)
May, 2004
- Special Photo Exhibition "Southeast Asia in the Field" (from
28 April to 31 May)
June, 2004
- API Fellowships for Year 2005-2006 (Deadline: August 31,2004)
- CSEAS Fellowship for Visiting Scholars, 2006(Deadline: September 27,2004)
November, 2004
- CSEAS Thai OPAC technical problem (November 16, 2004)
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December, 2004
- The banquet to applaud the award to Dr. Shin-ichi Ichimura, a former CSEAS
director of the Zuiho Chujusho, the Order of the Sacred Treasure was held
in December 12.
January, 2005
January, 2005
- CSEAS Fellowship for Visiting Scholars, 2006
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