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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University


Updates:FY 2009

April, 2009

April 1
CSEAS Fellowship for Visiting Scholars, 2009
April 17
Southeast Asian Studies, vol.46,no.3 (PDF) is uploaded.
April 20
About Library use during the Renovation of the Library Building

May, 2009

May 11
New CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow: HADIZ, Vedi R.
May 25
New CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow: TIONGSON, Nicanor G.
May 26
New CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow: Oo Marlar

June, 2009

June 1
Deadline of appplication for CSEAS Fellowship for Visiting Scholars, 2009 has been passed.
June 3
The 33rd Southeast Asia Seminar (Application Deadline: July3).
June 5
An Airticle on the Williams-Hunt Collection is appeared on BiblioAsia
June 10
The Website of Indonesian Alumni Association of Kyoto University, "HAKU" is opne to the public.
June 10
New CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow: NAREPPA, Nagaraj
June 11
API Fellowships for Year 2010-2011 (Application Deadline: August 31)

August, 2009

August 18
New CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow: REID, Anthony
August 28
CSEAS Newsletter No.60 is uploaded.

September, 2009

September 2
The Website of Thai Alumni Association of Kyoto University, "KUC" is opne to the public (Mirror Site).
September 14
New CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow: LIU, Hong
September 14
/New CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow: NETHIPO,Viengrat
September 28
New CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow: KUHONTA, Erik Precioso Martinez

October, 2009

October 9
New CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow: Myint Thein
October 19
CSEAS Websit will be temporarily suspended due to technical mentainance: 9:00-17:00 October 24, 13:00-17:00, November 1.

November, 2009

November 2
CSEAS Fellowship for Visiting Scholars, 2010
November 9
The 13th Kyoto University International Symposium (December 11-13)

December, 2009

December 3
Southeast Asian Studies, vol.46,no.4 (PDF) is uploaded.
December 21
CSEAS Map Room will be close from December 28th to Janunary 4th.

January, 2010

January 5
Deadline of appplication for CSEAS Fellowship for Visiting Scholars  (the first half of 2010), has been passed.
January 18
New CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow: Hla Maung Thein

February, 2010

February 8
New CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow: PHATHARATHANANUNTH, Somchai
February 8
Positions for Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Global COE Program)
February 15
New CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow: MUHAMMAD. Ahmad
February 15
Deadline of application to positions for Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Global COE Program)
February 19
Yoneo Ishii, former CSEAS director passed away.
February 23
Southeast Asian Studies, vol.47,no.1 (PDF) is uploaded.
February 23
CSEAS Report 2009/ 2010 (PDF) is uploaded.

March, 2010

March 16
New CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow: ANWAR, Dewi Fortuna Khaidir