Updates:FY 2009
April, 2009
- April 1
- CSEAS Fellowship for Visiting Scholars, 2009
- April 17
- Southeast Asian Studies, vol.46,no.3 (PDF) is uploaded.
- April 20
- About Library use during the Renovation of the Library Building
May, 2009
- May 11
- New CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow: HADIZ, Vedi R.
- May 25
- New CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow: TIONGSON, Nicanor G.
- May 26
- New CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow: Oo Marlar
June, 2009
- June 1
- Deadline of appplication for CSEAS Fellowship for Visiting Scholars, 2009
has been passed.
- June 3
- The 33rd Southeast Asia Seminar (Application Deadline: July3).
- June 5
- An Airticle on the Williams-Hunt Collection is appeared on BiblioAsia
- June 10
- The Website of Indonesian Alumni Association of Kyoto University, "HAKU"
is opne to the public.
- June 10
- New CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow: NAREPPA, Nagaraj
- June 11
- API Fellowships for Year 2010-2011 (Application Deadline: August 31)
August, 2009
- August 18
- New CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow: REID, Anthony
- August 28
- CSEAS Newsletter No.60 is uploaded.
September, 2009
- September 2
- The Website of Thai Alumni Association of Kyoto University, "KUC"
is opne to the public (Mirror Site).
- September 14
- New CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow: LIU, Hong
- September 14
- /New CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow: NETHIPO,Viengrat
- September 28
- New CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow: KUHONTA, Erik Precioso Martinez
October, 2009
- October 9
- New CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow: Myint Thein
- October 19
- CSEAS Websit will be temporarily suspended due to technical mentainance:
9:00-17:00 October 24, 13:00-17:00, November 1.
November, 2009
- November 2
- CSEAS Fellowship for Visiting Scholars, 2010
- November 9
- The 13th Kyoto University International Symposium (December 11-13)
December, 2009
- December 3
- Southeast Asian Studies, vol.46,no.4 (PDF) is uploaded.
- December 21
- CSEAS Map Room will be close from December 28th to Janunary 4th.
January, 2010
- January 5
- Deadline of appplication for CSEAS Fellowship for Visiting Scholars (the
first half of 2010), has been passed.
- January 18
- New CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow: Hla Maung Thein
February, 2010
- February 8
- New CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow: PHATHARATHANANUNTH, Somchai
- February 8
- Positions for Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Global COE Program)
- February 15
- New CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow: MUHAMMAD. Ahmad
- February 15
- Deadline of application to positions for Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Global
COE Program)
- February 19
- Yoneo Ishii, former CSEAS director passed away.
- February 23
- Southeast Asian Studies, vol.47,no.1 (PDF) is uploaded.
- February 23
- CSEAS Report 2009/ 2010 (PDF) is uploaded.
March, 2010
- March 16
- New CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow: ANWAR, Dewi Fortuna Khaidir
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