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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University


Key word: Libraries/Document Retrieval

Libraries (Japan)

Library, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
Libaray at the Center for Stouheast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.
Kyoto University Library
Library at Kyoto University.
National Diet Library
National Diet Library, Japan. Diet proceedings are available to search.
Welcome to Webcat
The Cataloging System (NACSIS-CAT) comprises union catalog databases of academic documents (books and serials) in the collections of instituions such as university libraries. The Interlibrary Loan System (NACSIS-ILL) supports exchanges of information among libraries to enable them to provide documents to researchers at universities and other institutions.
Webcat Plus
Academic Contents Portal provided by The National Institute of Informatics (NII).
The Insutitue of Developing Enocmies: OPAC
Library of the Insutitue of Developing Enocmies, Japan. OPAC serivice and other informative pages are available.
Library of the Insutitue of Developing Enocmies: New Arrivals (Books, and Periodical Index)
Library of IDE (Insititue of Developing Economies). Search article in new arrival journal by index.
The Toyo Bunko
One of the five largest library and research institute in the world dealing with Asian studies.
Tokyo Institute of Technology Library: WWW Servers in Japan - Academic Libraries on the Web -
Web directory of academic libraries in Japan.
Library, Institute of Oriental Studies, University of Tokyo
The Institute's library specializes in Asian studies and contains over 600,000 books and 5,600 periodicals. Its collection of Chinese books, which is internationally well known among Sinologists, is one of the three best collections in Japan and includes numerous rare and valuable books.

Libraries (Overseas)

Southeast Asia Division, University of Michigan
Southeast Asia Area Division, Michigan University. List of possessed video title are public on the web.
Southeast Asia Collection, Arizona State University Library
Website for Southeast Asian Collection at Arizona State University. Only general information is available for visitors from outside.
Southeast Asia Collection, Yale University Library
Southeat Asian Collection at Yale Univeristy. The site offers portal and usuers' guidance service for the visitors.
Southeast Asia Series, Australia National University Library
Scholarly information services by Australian National University under the partnership with KITLV, Leiden. Online resources from journals are available to download freely as a result of search.
Informative webisite on Southeast Asian Studies. The current interests on the subject in Europe is available.
The British Library
The British Library.
Library Catalogue, Australia National University Library
The Library of the Australian National Library. Help for Japanese is provided.
National Libray of the Netherlands
National Library of the Netherlands.
The Library of Congress
Library of the Congress (USA). The website offers various information and database.
Asia Collections, Cornell University Library
Cornell Universiy Library. Gateway for Southeast Asian Studies with abundant of current information. The main site of the Libarary also provides database and web resources for researchers.
Center of Academic Resources
Chulalongkorn University's digital library.
Online Burma/Mynmar Library
Online Burma/Myanmar Library.
Libraries in the World
Web directory of Libraries in the world managed by Libarary of Tsukuba Univeristy.
South/Southeast Asia Library, University of California Berkeley Library
The South/Southeast Asia Library (S/SEAL) is the Berkeley campus library reference center for South and Southeast Asian social sciences and humanities.
Southeast Asia Guide, Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Southeast Asia Guide by memorial library of University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Library
The library of Insitute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) in Singapore.

Retrieval and Download of Papers

Online Computer Library Center
Portal site for scholars of various kinds of web resources.
Site for download academic articles in full-text. With registratoin, the range of utilization might be wider. Password is necessary.
Ingenta Connect
Comprehensive collection of academic and professional publications. Download web resources is also available.
Search site for academic articles in Journals. Only available from LAN inside universities or insitiutes.
Kyoto Review of Southeast Asian
On-line Journal by CSEAS, Kyoto University
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, Cambridge University Press
Journals search by title or subject.
Anthropological Index Online
The Anthropological Index to Current Periodicals in the The Anthropology Library at the British Museum (incorporating the former Royal Anthropological Institute library)
The premier online resource serving the research, teaching, and professional needs of anthropologists. Developed by the American Anthropological Association (AAA), AnthroSource brings 100 years of anthropological material online to scholars and the public.
Bath Information and Data Services
BIDS is the best known bibliographic service for the academic community in the UK. BIDS also provides access to the ingentaJournals full text service, both directly and also through links from database search results.
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
The online submission website for the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. Registration is required.

Bookstores in SEA

Kinokuniya Bookstore
The largest bookstore in Southeast Asia. Online shopping is also available.
Select Books
Speciality shop for books on Southeast Asian Studies. Printed books both in local and international are available. Working papers could be found.
ISEAS Publications
Online bookstore in ISEAS website.
Bookstore in Chulalongkorn University.
White Lotus Press
Booksotre in Thailand. Out-of-print books are also dealt.
Gramedia Toko Buku Online
Booksotre in Indonesia.

Foreign Secondhand Books
Over 100 million new, used, rare, out of print, and international books for sale. in the USA. Secondhand books are aslo available.
Old, rare and secondhand books to be searched. Free registration is required
Search site for out of print books.