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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University



Portal / Information

Webportal Malaysia
Malaysian portal for up-to-date news.


Office of the Prime Minister of Malaysia
Officila website of Primeminister of Malaysia.
Ministry of Foreign Affaires, Malaysia
Official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia.
Department of Statistics Malaysia
Portal site of the malaysian Bureau of Statistics. The latest verstion for quarterly report of forefign trade statistics is updated.
Portal site for government agencies. Both Malaysia and English are available.
Official website for UMNO, the ruling party of Malaysia.
Malyasian Chinese Association
Official website for Malaysian Chinese Association.


New Straits Time
Online newspaper site.
The Star
Online newspaper site.
Berita Harian
Online newspaper site.
Utusan Malaysia Online
Online newspaper site.
Bernama (Malaysia National News Agency)
Online newspaper site.
Online newspaper site.
Online newspaper site.


The Institute of the Malay World and Civilization
Whole ranges of information and database on culture, language, history and ethinic groups in Malaysia are coverd. Registration is required before make the best use of the site.
University of Malaya Library
Library at University of Malaya. E-mail address is requested to register in application.
University Kebangsaan Malaysia Library
Digital library at University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).
National Library of Malaysia
OPAC at National Library of Malaysia. Registration is required.
Portal site of the National Library of Malaysia. International conference/symposia/published proceedings related Malaysian issues are listed.
Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka
Institute of Language and Literature. Database for languages and literature in Malaysia.
Arkib Negara Malaysia
Database for the National Archive of Manaysia.


Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
Official website of the Sarawak University.
Borneon Biodiversity and Eclogial Coservation
Borneon Biodiversity and Eclogial Coservation (BBEC) Programme has been running for techinical cooperation towards the integrated natural environment conseravation project headed by Sabah Government and Sabah University since February 2002.