Portal / Information
- BurmaInfo
- Internet-based project for information and advocacy works on democratization
in Myanmar and Japanese attitudes.
- Burma Government 2000
- Basic information on Myanmar.
- myanmars.net
- Portal site for cultural and travel information.
- Myanmar.com
- Various information on Myanmar.
- The Myanmar Times
- Online newspaper.
- The New Light of Myanmar
- Online newspaper.
- Myanmar News Net
- Domestic news site.
- Council on Southeast Asia Studies, Yale University
- One of the programme at the Council on Southeast Asia Studies at Yale University.
The site covers culture, politics and eonomic development in Mynmar.
- Documents of Myanmar Socio-Economic History
- Excellent database for Parabaik manuscript maneged by Aichi Univeristy.
Carefully read the local rule.
- Design Pringting Service
- Links for map collection.
- Online Burma/Myanmar Library
- Online virtual library on Myanmar.
- Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection - Myanmar (Burma) topographic maps,
University of Texas Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin
- Topographic maps covering Myanmar (Burma) by 1/250,000 in scale, prepared
by the Army Map Service of U.S. Army in 1950s through revision and compilation
of the existing maps, such as topographic maps made by Survey of India
in 1920-30s.
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