Domestic Seminars
February 2006
- Title:The 20th Bangkok Seminar on Thai Studies
- Date:February 25, 2006
- Place:Bangkok Liaison Office, CSEAS
- Presentation 1:Yuki Suzuki (Ph.D. Student, Graduate Program in Area Studies, Graduate
Division of Foreign Studies, Sophia University), "Reconstruction Process
of Thailand After the Sumatra Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster: Focusing
on the Moken 'Sea People.'"
- Presentation 2:Yukio Tanaka (PhD Student, Lab. of Land Resource Sciences, Dept. of Biological
and Environmental Engineering, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life
Sciences, University of Tokyo), "Midterm report of the internship
at GEF IW: LEARN -Determination of Pollution Loading from Land-Based Sources
by Using Modeling and GIS-"
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