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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University

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About Staff

ANDO, Kazuo

  • Associate Professor
  • Practice-oriented Area Studies Office
  • Division of Information and Network for Area Studies
  • Tropical Agriculture
  • B. Sc. in Agronomy, Shizuoka University, 1978
    D. Agr. in Tropical Agriculture, Kyoto University, 1994

Current Research Interests

  1. Changes in agricultural technologies andthe development of village societies in Southeast and South Asia
  2. People’s subjective participation in rural development projects by village communities, and local government learned through Practice-oriented Area Studies or Practice and Action Research Area Studies in Asia and Japan

Peanut harvest with cows under blue sky in Bagan, Myanmar

In the JICA participatory rural development projects implemented from 1986 to the present in which I have been engaged in, I have tried to develop alternative research methods that are suitable for rural development and also applicable to area studies. One of these methods foregrounds the standpoint and consciousness of persons living in the study area. I call this study Practice-oriented Area Studies or Action Research Area Studies. The other JSPS, Toyota Foundation and ISS (Institute Sustainability Science) projects for which I have taken a role as a principle investigator, have also applied these methodologies as well as the alternative concept for locally existing technologies within which farmers have subjectively developed their farming technologies. My aim is to learn from the rural societies of Bangladesh, Myanmar, Laos, Northeast India including Assam and Arunachal Pradesh, Yunnan, and Japan (in particular Kyoto Prefecture), in order to seek alternative options for farmers or villagers subjective agricultural and rural development in Japan and other Asian countries.

Research Activities in 2011-2012 Fiscal Year

Publication |  Joint Research Project |  Field Research |  Seminar/Symposium |  Database |  Academic Association |  Outside Activities | Award
  1. Kazuo Ando, Muhammad SALIM “Traditional Agricultural Implements of Bangladesh” RUBI ENTERPRISE, 2012 (ISBN: 978-984-33-2492-4)
  1. Kazuo Ando, Khin Lay Swe and Myint Thein, “Harrow(Tun) Farming in Bagan”, Traditions 2010 ,SEAMEO Regional Center for History and Tradition, Yangon , 010(Appeared in 2011) : 26-32.
  1. Nitayanada Deka, A.K.Bhagabati and Ando Kazuo, Land Tenure Systems in a Floodplain Village of Assam, India, Journal of Research for Tropical Agriculture, Vol.4, Extra issue 1, 2011:37-38.
  1. Kazuo Ando and Lay Lay Khaing, “Farmers’Cropping Technologies to Cope with Dry Climate, Central Myanmar:A Case Study in Yamethin Township”, Integrated Study on Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development towards Research and Education in Myanmar and Surrounding Countries ( Practice-oriented Area Studies No.2 )(Ando and Khin edited), Yezin Agricultural University,2011:133-140 (ISBN:978-4-9016689-0-3)
  1. Haruo Uchida and Kazuo Ando, “Flood Policy and People’s Participation in Bangladesh”, Integrated Study on Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development towards Research and Education in Myanmar and Surrounding Countries ( Practice-oriented Area Studies No.2 )(Ando and Khin edited), Yezin Agricultural University,2011:141-147 (ISBN:978-4-9016689-0-3)
  1. Nityananda Deka,A.K.Bhagabati, Koichi Usami and Kazuo Ando,”Structure and Functions of A River Bank Periodic Market in Darrang District, Assam(India)” ,Integrated Study on Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development towards Research and Education in Myanmar and Surrounding Countries ( Practice-oriented Area Studies No.2 )(Ando and Khin edited), Yezin Agricultural University,2011:112-124 (ISBN:978-4-9016689-0-3)
  1. Kazuo Ando, “Recent Change in rice cultivation technology in Bangladesh”, Journal of Agroforestry and Environment, No.5 (Special Issue),2011:1-5.(ISSN 1995-6983)
  1. Shinji Miyamoto, Kazuo Ando, Nityabanda Deka, Abani kumar Bhagabati and Tomo Riba, “Historical Land Development in Central and Eastern Himalayas”, Journal of Agroforestry and Environment, No.5 (Special Issue),2011:37-40.(ISSN 1995-6983)
  1. Kazuyo Minamide, Kazuo Ando and Kichiji Yajima,”Practical recognition about environment copping approach by NGO: A case of Jhamna char in Bangladesh”, Journal of Agroforestry and Environment, No.5 (Special Issue),2011:61-64.(ISSN 1995-6983)
  1. R.Suzuki,K.Kuroda,K.Masuda,T.Imakita, M.Shimagami,N.Noma and K.Ando, “Traditional skills and Knowledge inherited from Japanese swidden cultivation: Toward restoration of degraded Satoyama forest”, Journal of Agroforestry and Environment, No.5 (Special Issue),2011:71-74.(ISSN 1995-6983)
  1. Nityananda Deka, A.K.Bhagabati and Kazuo Ando,”Floral resources in a village environment of the Brahmaputra valley, Assam:Inventory, use and conservation”, Journal of Agroforestry and Environment, No.5 (Special Issue),2011:75-82.(ISSN 1995-6983)
  1. Uchida Haruo and Kazuo Ando, “Dissemination of plants and technology for rural development in Bangladesh”, Journal of Agroforestry and Environment, No.5 (Special Issue),2011:83-88.(ISSN 1995-6983)
  1. Kichiji Yajima,Etsuo Mushiake and Kazuo Ando,”Alternative rural development approach through reevaluation of traditional culture and knowledge in Laotian villages-Establishment of Village cultural museum”,Journal of Agroforestry and Environment, No.5 (Special Issue),2011:95-99.(ISSN 1995-6983)
  1. Kazuo Ando and Khin Lay Swe(edited), Integrated Study on Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development towards Research and Education in Myanmar and Surrounding Countries(Practice-oriented Area Studies No.2), Yezin Agricultural University,2011 PP182.(ISBN:978-4-9016689-0-3)
  1. Kazuo Ando, “Keynote Speech: Let us share experiences internationally and learn each other for sustainable development”, Integrated Study on Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development towards Research and Education in Myanmar and Surrounding Countries ( Practice-oriented Area Studies No.2 )(Ando and Khin edited), Yezin Agricultural University,2011:11-14 (ISBN:978-4-9016689-0-3)
  1. Kazuo Ando,” Key Note: Let us learn rural people and establish the academic and practical persons’ international network to cope with problem of environment and development”, Journal of Agroforestry and Environment, No.5 (Special Issue),2011:135-137.(ISSN 1995-6983)