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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University

About Staff

About Staff

KONO, Yasuyuki

  • Professor
  • Division of Integrated Area Studies
  • Land and Water Resources Management
  • B. Sc. in Irrigation Engineering, The University of Tokyo, 1981
    D. Agr. in Irrigation Engineering, The University of Tokyo, 1986

Current Research Interests

  1. Land and water resources management
  2. Dynamics of livelihood systems
  3. Sustainable humanosphere studies

Jungle rubber garden is thought to be a typical type of low-input low-return production systems. But the renewal mechanism of rubber trees are well managed by smallholders, securing sustainable production in spite of flood damages and termite attacks.

I study the transformation of rural livelihood systems, land and water resources management, and environmental conservation and development programs in Mainland Southeast Asia. My study sites cover a wide range of ecological settings, from deltaic areas of the Red River and the Mekong River in Vietnam, the Chaophraya River in Thailand, and the Ayeyarwady River in Myanmar, to plateau areas of Northeast Thailand, Upper Burma and Tamil Nadu State in India, and mountainous areas of northern Vietnam, northern Laos, northern Thailand, and Yunnan Province of China. Fieldwork combined with remote sensing and GIS analyses are the major tools of my research.
My major research concern is, first, to develop an area-specific synthesis of technology, institutions, and natural environment for land and water resources management in a globalizing environment. Land and water is rapidly recognized to be a scarce resource on which rural livelihood, agricultural production and forest ecosystem conservation depends. We have to consider how to adapt resource management to the environmental and historical settings of local societies. Second, livelihood systems in rural Southeast Asia are drastically changing and have diversified during the last several decades, which has furthermore increased the complexity in resources management and the importance of site-specific researches. It is worth challenging the generalization of these changes. The third concern is sustainable humanosphere studies in which my specific concern is, utilizing potentiality of tropical environment, to investigate environment-inspired technologies.

Research Activities in 2009-2010 Fiscal Year

Publication |  Joint Research Project |  Field Research |  Seminar/Symposium |  Database |  Academic Association |  Outside Activities | Award
Joint Research Projects
  1. Research Topic:Sustainable Land Management in Mountainous Region: Thailand, Lao PDR, and China (Yunnan Province)
  2. Term:2005 -
  3. Sponsor: Global Environmental Facility
  4. Leader: Luohui Liang (United Nations University)
  1. Research Topic:People, Environment and Land Use Systems in Mainland Southeast Asia (PELUSSA)
  2. Term:1999 -
  3. Sponsor:Various sources
  4. Leader: KONO, Yasuyuki
  1. Research Topic:Modeling Agricultural Productivity in Northeast Thailand (MAPNET)
  2. Term:1996 -
  3. Sponsor:Various sources
  4. Leader: KONO, Yasuyuki
  1. Title:Southeast Asian Topographic Map Databases
  2. URL: