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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University

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About Staff

LOPEZ, Mario Ivan

  • Program-Specific Assistant Professor
  • Public Relations Office
  • Division of Information and Network for Area Studies

Current Research Interests

  1. International Marriage as an expression of transnational relations
  2. The role of religion in supporting immigrant workers overseas
  3. Introduction and transfer of alternative notions of care and relatedness in transnational relations

An effigy of the Virgin Mary on her way to a Rosary Prayer session at a local migrant gathering

At present, it is estimated that between 185 to 192 million people reside outside of their home countries. My primary research interest lies in what gives support to people who cross borders and enter into transnational marriages and how they express themselves as individuals or through family and community. My second interest is the role of religion and the power it exercises not only within the intimate sphere of immigrant’s relations with their partners, but also their interactions within the public sphere. My current research focuses on how not only language, but the body is employed as a powerful focal point in creating and negotiating mutual narratives as an expression of transnational relations and immigrant’s religious identities. I am also interested in how immigrants introduce alternative notions of relatedness and care into their host society and the broader implications that this may have on how the host society views immigrants and the potential that they carry to effect change at a micro-level.

Research Activities in 2011-2012 Fiscal Year

Publication |  Joint Research Project |  Field Research |  Seminar/Symposium |  Database |  Academic Association |  Outside Activities | Award
  1. Reconstituting the Affective Labor of Filipinos as Careworkers in Japan. Global Networks. 2012. Vol. 12(2): 252-68.
  1. Progressive Entanglements: Religious Intimacy in Japanese-Filipino Marriages. Philippines Studies. 2012. Vol. 60 (2):261-290