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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University

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About Staff

MIENO, Fumiharu

  • Associate Professor
  • Division of Economic and Political Dynamics
  • Economics, Finance & Development
  • Bachelor in Social Studies, Hitotsubashi University 1992
  • Ph.D in Economics, Hitotsubashi University, 1999

Research Activities in 2011-2012 Fiscal Year

Publications |  Joint Research Projects |  Field Research |  Seminars/Symposia |  Database |  Academic Associations |  Outside Activities | Awards
  1. Mieno, Fumiharu (forthcoming), ‘The Eastern Seaboard Development Plan and Industrial Cluster: A Quantitative Overview’, Machiko Nissanke and Yasutami Shimomura ed., Working Towards Institution Development Through Aid: Implications of Asian Experiences for Sub-Saharan Africa, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2011.
  1. Mieno, Fumiharu, Hisako Kai, (2012), "Do Subsidies Enhance or Erode the Cost-Efficiency of Microfinance?", Center for Economic Institutions,Working Paper Series, IER, Hitotsubashi University、Vol 14, p.1-25.
  1. Mieno, Fumiharu (2011), “Comment on ‘Change in Development Finance in Asia: Trends, Challenges, and Policy Implications”, Asian Economic Policy Review (2011) 6, p.p.247-248.
  1. Mieno, Fumiharu (2010), "Foreign Ownership, Listed Status and Financial System in East Asia: Evidence from Thailand and Malaysia” Discussion Paper No. 64, Discussion Paper Series, APEC Study Center, Columbia University
Activities in Academic Associations
  1. Presenter:MIENO, Fumiharu
  2. Workshop:International Workshop on Advancing Knowledge in Developing Economies and Development Economics: Towards the Understanding of Institutions in Development
  3. Title: “Do Subsidies Enhance or Erode the Cost-Efficiency of Microfinance? Evidence from MFI Worldwide Micro Data” (co-authored with Hisako Kai)
  4. Place:Kunitachi, Japan
  5. Term:September 23 - 24, 2011
  6. Hosts:Hitotsubashi University/the School of Oriental and African Studies, the University of London (SOAS)
  1. Presenter:MIENO, Fumiharu
  2. Workshop:Workshop on Credit Union Movement in Lao P.D.R.
  3. Title:Performance of Saving Group in Vientiane Vicinity from the survey on 109 groups
  4. Term:September 1, 2011
  5. Host:Lao National University
  1. Comment:MIENO, Fumiharu
  2. Conference:The Twelfth Asian Economic Policy Review (AEPR) Conference
  3. Title:Comment on "Change in Development Finance in Asia: Trends, Challenges, and Policy Implications"
  4. Place::Osaka, Japan
  5. Term:May 20, 2011
  6. Host:Japan Center for Economic Research
  1. Presenter:MIENO, Fumiharu
  2. Conference:Biennial Conference of East Asian Economic Association
  3. TitleDo Subsidies Enhance or Erode the Cost-Efficiency of Microfinance?
  4. Place::Inwa University, Seoul, South Korea
  5. Term:October, 2010
  1. Presenter:MIENO, Fumiharu
  2. Workshop:First Joint International Workshop of the JSPS Asian Core Program on "Asian Connections: Southeast Asian Model for Co-Existence in the 21st Century" Conference
  3. Title:On a Twisted Linkage between International Capital Inflow and Domestic Financial System in Southeast Asia
  4. Place:CSEAS, Kyoto University
  5. Term:February 26 - 27, 2010
Outside Activities
  1. Workshop:Workshop on Program for Economic Development of Myanmar
  2. Date:March 1, 2012
  3. Place:Yangon, Myanmar
  4. Hosts:Government of Myanmar and Japan
  5. Title:“Sequence of the Reform and the Cooperation on Economy and Finance”
  6. Comment:MIENO, Fumiharu
  1. Workshop:Workshop on Program for Economic Development of Myanmar
  2. Date:February 27, 2012
  3. Place:Ney Pyi Taw
  4. Hosts:Government of Myanmar and Japan
  5. Title:“Sequence of the Reform and the Cooperation on Economy and Finance”
  6. Comment:MIENO, Fumiharu
  1. Workshop:Workshop on Program for Economic Development of Myanmar
  2. Date:December 22, 2011
  3. Place::Tokyo, Japan
  4. Host:JICA
  5. Title:“Comment on Economy and Finance Working Group”
  6. Comment:MIENO, Fumiharu
  1. Seminar:Seminar on Post ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Prospects
  2. Date:October 9, 2011
  3. Place::Phnom Penh, Cambodia
  4. Host:Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and Asia (ERIA)
  5. Title:“Financial System in Developing Countries: with Special Reference to Cambodia”
  6. Presenter:MIENO, Fumiharu
  1. Seminar:Seminar on Post ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Prospects
  2. Date:October 7, 2011
  3. Place::Vientiane, Laos
  4. Host:Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and Asia (ERIA)
  5. Title:“Financial System in Developing Countries: with Special Reference to Lao PDR”
  6. Presenter:MIENO, Fumiharu
  1. Sumposium:Invest Japan Symposium to be Held in Thailand
  2. Date:March 21, 2011
  3. Place::Bangkok, Thailand
  4. Host:JETRO
  5. Panel:Panel Discussion 2: To share the necessity of financial function in supporting investment to Japan
  6. Presenter & Moderator:MIENO, Fumiharu
  1. Workshop:JBIC-LPEM Workshop on“Strategies for Asia’s Sustainable Growth beyond the Global Crisis ? Infrastructure, the Environment, and Finance”
  2. Date:February 15, 2010
  3. Place::Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta, Indonesia
  4. Host:Japan Bank for International Cooperation
  5. Title:Japan’s Context:Real Sector Growth and Finance
  6. Presenter:MIENO, Fumiharu