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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University

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MIZUNO, Kosuke

  • Professor
  • Division of Economic and Political Dynamics
  • Development Studies
  • B. A. in Economics, Kyoto University, 1978
    D. Agr. in Agricultural Economics, Kyoto University, 1994

Current Research Interests

  1. People’s organizations (such as labor unions), institutional change, and economic development
  2. Southeast Asian Path of economic development
  3. Family business and their networks in the sustainable humanosphere development in Indonesia economy

Talun-Huma Agroforestry, Western Java, Indonesia

I have employed both institutional and historical approaches in my study of the Indonesian economy as well as the area study approach when examining land, labor, and capital as integral parts of the economy. I have conducted a number of case studies with these approaches on the non-farm sector and rural industries in the Indonesian countryside, the results of which have been published in my book Community-Based Industry in Indonesia: What Is a Path to the Recovery of Asian Economies? (Kyoto University Press, 1999, in Japanese), and Rural Industrialization in Indonesia: A Case Study of Community-Based Weaving Industry in West Java (IDE, 1996). My research interest also includes studying the role of people’s organizations, institutional changes and economic development. This approach has been applied for the study of natural resources management for both the cases of Talun-Huma (an agro-forestry system) in West Java and of peat land conservation in Riau, Indonesia. The cases of industrial relations and trade union have also been studied from this view point. These studies have been done in the context of Indonesian democratization and decentralization. Direktori Serikat Buruh di Indonesia (Directory of Indonesian Trade Union) (AKATIGA, 2007, in Indonesian) was a product of this study. I have organized a study group on “Entrepreneur in East Asia, Political, Economic, Social and Cultural; towards a New Model of East Asian political economy,” since 2005 focusing on the topics of rent-seeking, networks, informal violence and social movements in the region. Populism in Asia (NUS and Kyoto University Press, 2009) is a product of this group. The recent economic crisis in East Asia is being studied in this context.

Research Activities in 2010-2011 Fiscal Year

Publication |  Joint Research Project |  Field Research |  Seminar/Symposium |  Database |  Academic Association |  Outside Activities | Award
  1. Mizuno, Kosuke, 2011, “The Third Initiative: “The Value of Sustainable Humanosphere in Tropical Biomass Production”, Global COE Program in Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa, February 2011, CSEAS, Kyoto University, pp.6-7
  1. Mizuno, Kosuke, Haris Gunawan, ”Conservation of peat bog and agroforestry in Indonesia”, Takamitsu Sawa ed., Achieving the Global Sustainability :Policy Recommendation, UN University Press, pp.162-174 (Forthcoming)
  1. Kosuke Misuno, Pasuk Phongpaichit ed. 2009. "Populism in Asia". Kyoto CSEAS Series on Asian Studies 2, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University. NUS press Singapore with association with Kyoto University Press.
  1. Conference Name:The Third International Conference on Mathematics And Natural Science (ICMNS) 2010- Science For Sustainable Development
  2. Date:23-25 Nopember, 2010
  3. Place:ITB, Bandung, Indonesia
  4. Presenter:MIZUNO, Kosuke
  5. Title:Area Study and Sustainable Humanosphere,
  1. Symposium Name:International Symposium “Scientific Exploration and Sustainable Management of Tropical Peatland Ecosystems, Center for Tropical Peatland Studies, Riau University, and G-COE Program for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University
  2. Date:October 20, 2010
  3. Place::Pekanbaru, Indonesia
  4. Presenter:MIZUNO, Kosuke
  5. Title: People’s Organization and Institution for Peat Land Restoration at Giam Siak-Bukit Batu Biosphere Reserve of Riau and Potentiality of REDD program
  1. Seminar Name: The 34th Southeast Asian Seminar on New Concept Building for Sustainable Humanosphere and Society From the Equatorial Zone of Southeast Asia, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, ICIER-LIPI
  2. Date:September 20th, 2010
  3. Place::LIPI, Jakarta, Indonesia
  4. Presenter:MIZUNO, Kosuke
  5. Title:Indonesian Economy for Sustainable Humanosphere
  1. Conference Name:Asian Core University Program Research Conference “Asian Connection” organized by Thammasat University
  2. Date:August 27th, 2010
  3. Place::Bangkok, Thailand
  4. Presenter:MIZUNO, Kosuke
  5. Title: Entrepreneur in East Asia, Political, Economical, Social and Cultural; Toward a New Model of East Asian Political Economy
  1. Date:August, 7th, 2010
  2. Place::PPI, Nagoya University, Japan
  3. Presenter:MIZUNO, Kosuke
  4. Keynot speach:Indonesian Alternative to Export Oriented Authoritarian East Asian Development Model -Open and Balanced Economy-
  1. Conference Name:The Meeting of the Participating Organizations for 2010 JST-JICA Project Proposal
  2. Date:August 3rd, 2010
  3. Place:: LIPI, Jakarta, Indonesia
  4. Presenter:MIZUNO, Kosuke
  5. Title:Peat Land Restoration at Giam Siak-Bukit Batu Biosphere Reserve of Riau and Potentiality of REDD program
  1. Forum Name:The First Indonesian Forum, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Osaka Consulate General of Indonesian Government
  2. Date:July 23th, 2010
  3. Place::CSEAS, Kyoto University, Japan
  4. Presenter:MIZUNO, Kosuke
  5. Title:Indonesian Alternative to Export Oriented Authoritarian East Asian Development Model -Open and Balanced Economy-
  1. Workshop Name:ASEM-CIEM Workshop on Overcoming the Crisis-Shaping Sustainable Development In the Next Contex
  2. Date: April 26-27, 2010
  3. Place::Nha Tang, Vietnam
  4. Presenter:MIZUNO, Kosuke
  5. Title:“Global Imbalance and Export-oriented East Asian Model revisited -Twelve Years’ Change since Economic Crisis in 1997 and Alternative Model-“