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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University

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About Staff

OKAMOTO, Masaaki

  • Associate Professor
  • Division of Economic and Political Dynamics
  • Political Science
  • LL. A in Comparative Politics, Kyoto University, 1994
    M. A. in Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, 1996

Current Research Interests

  1. Local Politics
  2. Decentralization
  3. Privatized violence

Going to the Polls: picture of voters at the Indonesian general election 2009

At present I have three intellectual interests. The first is how to understand local politics in Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia, where democratization and decentralization have brought about radical changes in local politics. I have done research for several years in Indonesia and have tried to explain the emerging political stabilization at the local level after several years of severe unstable politics. My tentative argument is that the blossoming of new regions and the ethnic, religious and/or regional balance of candidates in local direct elections contribute to the decrease in horizontal disparities and stabilize local politics. My second interest is on the privatization of security especially in Indonesia. The end of the cold war globally prompted security privatization and this has very much been the case in Southeast Asia. Post-Suharto Indonesia has seen the rise of various types of security providers. I am currently researching on their gradual evolution and/or transformation with the consolidation of democracy in Indonesia. Some of the providers have shrewdly transformed themselves and have succeeded to play politically dominant roles at a local level. Finally, I am interested in the politics of plantations especially that of palm oil in Southeast Asia. With the rising importance of bio-fuels, palm oil plantations are expanding at a phenomenal rate in archipelagic Southeast Asia. My research focus is on how the pro-plantation discourse has been forged globally, nationally and locally to justify its reckless expansion.

Research Activities in 2009-2010 Fiscal Year

Publication |  Joint Research Project |  Field Research |  Seminar/Symposium |  Database |  Academic Association |  Outside Activities | Award
  1. Okamoto Masaaki, Populism under Decentralization in post-Suharto Indonesia. In Mizuno Kosuke and Pasuk Pongpaichit (eds.), Populism in Asia .
  1. Okamoto Masaaki, 2009, The Possible Civil Society in Indonesia. The Future of East Asian Civil Society (ed. By Tasaka Toshio), Ochanomizu, pp.114-140.
Joint Research Projects
  1. Research Topic:The 2009 General Elections and the Future of New Government in Indonesia
  2. Term:2009
  3. Sponsor:Jetro-IDE
  4. Leader: Kawamura Koichi
  5. Outline: Analysis on the Parties and the Candidates in Indonesia
  6. No. of Members:8
  1. Research Topic:Comparative Analysis on Local Governments in Southeast Asia
  2. Term: 2009
  3. Sponsor:Jetro-IDE
  4. Leader:Funatsu Tsuruyo
  5. Outline:Changing History of Local Governments in Indonesia
  6. No. of Members:6
  1. Research Topic:Survey Analysis on the local autonomy in Southeast Asian: Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines
  2. Term:2009-2011
  3. Sponsor:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi), Scientific Research (A)
  4. Leader:Nagai Fumio
  5. Outline:Survey Analysis on the policies of local governments in Indonesia
  6. No. of Members:8
  1. Research Topic:New Development of Southeast Asian Local Politics in the era of globalization: Capital, Border and Energy
  2. Term:2008-2011
  3. Sponsor:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi), Scientific Research (B)
  4. Leader: Okamoto Masaaki
  5. Outline:Analysis on the local politics in the Energy Crops Area
  6. No. of Members:8
  1. Research Topic:"Non-Traditional" Security in Southeast Asia: State Capacity and the Regional Cooperation
  2. Term:2005-2010
  3. Sponsor:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi), Scientific Research (A)
  4. Leader: Patricio Abinales
  5. Outline:Analysis on the "Non-Traditional" Security in Southeast Asia
  6. No. of Members:7
  1. Research Topic:Anthropological Study on the Generational Succession of Culture in Indonesia
  2. Term:2007-2009
  3. Sponsor:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi), Scientific Research (A)
  4. Leader: Kagami Haruya
  5. Outline:Analysisi on the Succession of Culture in Indonesia
  6. No. of Members:10
  1. Research Topic:Infectious Diseases Spreading Across International Borders in Southeast Asia: The Elucidation of Area-Specific Features Based on Multifactorial Analysis
  2. Term:2006-2011
  3. Sponsor:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi), Scientific Research (S)
  4. Leader:Nishibuchi Mitsuaki
  5. Outline:Institutional Buidling of the State and International Organizations. Analysisn on the policies toward the infectious diseases by the SEA countries and the International organizations
  6. No. of Members:7