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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University

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About Staff


  • Special Researcher
  • Practice-oriented Area Studies Office
  • Division of Information and Network for Area Studies

Current Research Interests

  1. Fisherman’s perspective on lake Biwa
  2. The Narezushi made from the local fish in the lake Biwa
  3. The characteristics of the location of Shinto shrines

“Eri” The traditional fishing in the Lake Biwa

Lake Biwa faces environmental problems, of which a serious one is the invasion of foreign fish. Many people and parties have been struggling to solve this problem. However, there seems to exist a clear discrepancy among groups concerned. For instance, Shiga prefecture propa gates that “catch and eat” is important to diminish the fish population. On the other hand, a fisherman, whom I know, insists “Don’t eat foreign fish: just kill them!” A simi lar contrast can be seen in the following slogans. The for mer says “Lake Biwa is our common property. Let’s work together to keep our lake clean,” where as my acquaintance says “this is my property, my yard! I cannot rely on other people. I must protect my yard by my self.” What my pri mary research interest lies in is studying the real meaning of “directly concerned parties.” What I want to do is look into and understand the perspective of fishermen toward the lake. This I will do by following them to their fishing spots and by joining them fermenting Funazushi fish.