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NutchaTantivitayapitak氏 作品上映『Mr. Zero』および講演会
2017年3月15日 @ 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

日時: 2017年3月15日(水)
場所: 京都大学稲盛財団記念館3階小会議室I
Special Talk
Thailand’s lèse-majesté and 1984’s Winston Smith
The lèse-majesté law (article 112 of the Criminal Code) epitomizes the peculiarity of the rule of law in Thailand. What peculiarity? How does it represent? Victims of this draconic law are in a similar dilemma faced by Winston Smith in George Orwell’s Nineteen-Eighty-Four – to resist without freedom or to succumb without individuality. Is this also the fate of Thai citizens under the rule of such a law?
Thongchai Winichakul is currently Senior Researcher at the Institute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETRO) in Japan, and Emeritus Professor of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison where he taught from 1991-2016. His book Siam Mapped (1994) was awarded the Harry J Benda Prize from the Association for Asian Studies in 1995, and the Grand Prize from the Asian Affairs Research Council (Japan) in 2004. He was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2003. His research interests are in cultural and intellectual history of Siam. He currently works on the intellectual foundation of modern Siam (1880s-1930s) and also a book on the memories of the 1976 massacre in Bangkok. He was President of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) in the U.S. in 2013/14.
Screening: MR ZERO (Dir. Nutcha Tantivitayapitak & Producer Chawanrat Rungsangcharoenthip (2016)
A documentary that deals with the story of Bundit Aneeya, a senior translator and writer whose provocatve writings led him to be accused of mental instability. Having been charged four times under article. 112 (lèse-majesté in Thailand), this documentary offers a sensitive portrayal of his works and personal history.
Will follow with short discussion with director.
Nutcha Tantivitayapitak
Nutcha Tantivitayapitak received her education in Film and Photography at the Faculty of Journalism and Mass communication at Thammasat University. “Mr. Zero” is her first documentary she directed for her thesis and won the documentary Prize at the Thai Short Film and Video Festival 2016.
Chawanrat Rungsangcharoenthip
Chawanrat Rungsangcharoenthip was born in 1994 in Bangkok Thailand. She graduated from major Film and Photography, Faculty of Journalist and Mass communication at Thammasat University. She worked as producer for many student’s films. She is producer, cinematographer and editor for her Thesis “Mr. Zero” won the documentary Prize of Thai Short Film and Video Festival 2016.
Organizers: Hayami Yoko & Mario Lopez