Guidelines for Presenters
You have 30 minutes for each long paper (15 minutes for each short paper) for your presentation including Q&As and discussion. The allocation of time for presentation and discussion is up to you, but we recommend you to keep at least 20% time for discussion.
Session rooms are equipped with a screen displaying the Powerpoint presentation, and microphones for presentation and discussion.
To show your Powerpoint or videos etc., you are supposed to bring your own computer. Session rooms are equipped with a computer also, but we won’t guarantee your presentation material will be displayed correctly on it.
Guidelines for Poster Exhibitors
Poster dimension must be A0 size, vertical (W841mm × H1189mm). Forms and layouts are free: we’re not offering any templates.
You have to bring a printed poster as we don’t have an A0-size printer on the site.
The posters will be displayed for viewing from 25th to 28th. You will have to remove your poster after the main sessions will close on the 28th afternoon.
Authors must make a lightning talk on “Posters/Demos Lightning Talk” time (26th 16:50 – 17:30) and will stand by their posters during succeeding “Welcome Reception” time (except for the time of a welcome speech) to answer questions and provide further information.
In the “Lightning Talk”, the time allotted for each poster will be 45 seconds.