京都大学東南アジア研究所ナビゲーションをスキップしてコンテンツへ 日本語 | English
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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University


共同研究 (タイプⅡ:拠点集中型)

研究代表者: Venkatesh Raghavan(大阪市立大学・大学院創造都市研究科)


東南アジアにおける森林伐採や農業活動に起因する土壌浸食は、モンスーン気候の山間部を中心にごく短い周期で土地の性質を大幅に変化させている。この問題の解決には、土地利用計画と水資源管理の視点から土壌の変化を時間と空間的に理解することが重要になってくる。本研究では、GISとリモートセンシング技術を用いた時空間データベース設計を専門とするCollege of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences(中国)のSONG Xianfeng氏(准教授)を2012年度に招へいし、土壌マッピングと土壌ダイナミクスモデリングに関するWeb-GISシステムの開発を行う。






招へいを希望しているSONG Xianfeng氏は、Web-GISと空間データベースを研究している国際的な第1人者である。とくに地理情報解析メタデータサーチエンジン開発・応用などの業績を持つ。Web-GISを共同研究することにより、より高度な空間情報共有および解析のシステム開発が可能となる。

The 2011 works focused on exploring appropriate soil mapping methodologies that enable to make fast high-quality soil map series using remote sensing and GIS with less field survey works in developing countries.
We proposed a fuzzy soil inference model for soil prediction in a mountainous basin based on stratified strategy, using topographic attributes from terrain analysis of GIS, land cover attributes derived from remote sensing, and a small number of sample points collected in field work. The attributes used to predict soil depth are called predictors or environmental variables. Among them, two categorical attribute maps, landform and land cover, are first intersected to produce basic soil mapping units that are characterized with different soil formative environment. Other maps with continuous attribute values, i.e. wetness index, are then applied for predicting spatial distribution of soil properties within each unit with the fuzzy soil inference model.
To increase the accuracy of prediction in a rocky upland area, a new predictor, surface soil-rock ratio, is introduced to identify the fractions of bare soil and rock area in land surface by sub-pixel analysis of remote sensing images. Furthermore, principal component analysis are used to convert environmental variables into a set of values of uncorrelated variables before applying soil inference as some variables are variants on similar quantities and highly correlated. Thus, it avoids the effects of correlations among predictors on soil prediction.
The method for modeling soil properties takes full advantages of free Japanese ASTER GDEMs and the opening of HJ-A remote sensing images, and made it possible about a less expensive works of collection data samples in field work by combining the knowledge of local soil scientists with GIS techniques under fuzzy logic for soil mapping. This soil mapping approach has been demonstrated in Hushiha watershed, Chaohe river, Northern China.