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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University




Special Seminar
  1. 日 時:平成19年1月22日(月) 16:00〜
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所 東棟2階セミナー室 (E207)
  3. 講 師:Dr. Dias Pradadimara, CSEAS visiting research fellow and Lecturer at the History Department, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia.
  4. 論 題:Agrarian Relations in Upland Sulawesi: The Case of Tana Toraja
  5. 要 旨:
    This presentation will focus on the Sa’dan Toraja speaking community of Tana Toraja (Toraja Land) in the northern upland of South Sulawesi. Much of what will be presented are the outcomes of a survey which was facilitated by the collaborative project between Kyoto University and Universitas Hasanuddin (Makassar). The survey itself was designed to obtain a more detailed socio economic picture of the community, by focusing on their agrarian aspects.
    Some of the outcomes of the survey were quite surprising. First of all, there are already widespread private ownership claims to plots of land both of rice fields and of dry fields, contrary to the general understanding―and persistent claims by local informants―which suggest predominantly communal ownerships (i.e. controlled by lineage houses―the tongkonan). Secondly, both ownership patterns and cultivation patterns of rice fields and dry fields are skewed with significant percentages of landlessness. The top 5% of largest rice field owners own more than 55% of total rice field, while the top 5% of largest dry field owners claim about 60% of all dry field. When it comes to actually working on the land, the degrees of concentration are somewhat less with 5% of largest rice field operators cultivate 38.55% of rice fields, and the 5% top dry field operators operate slightly more than half of all dry land. While tenancy in the forms of sharecropping and pawning are common, fixed-rate tenancy is not. There are about 30% rice field owner-operators, and about the same number of rice field tenant households, who own no rice field. More than half of dry land operators, however, are owner-operators. Extra household laborers are used for various works in the fields but especially for harvesting in rice fields. The presentation will be concluded with some preliminary notes on agrarian differentiation in Tana Toraja.
  6. コーディネータ:岡本 正明(CSEAS)
  1. 日 時:平成19年1月19日(金) 16:00〜18:30
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所 東棟2階セミナー室 (E207)
  3. 講 師:木村幹 (神戸大学)
  4. 論 題: 「地域研究への方法論的模索 − 韓国研究を中心に」
  5. 発表要旨:
    それでは我々、地域研究者はこのような状況にどのようにして対して行けば良いのであろうか。本報告はこのような今日の地域研究について、報告者が従事している「日本における朝鮮/韓国研究」を例に考察する。九七年末の韓国の通貨危機を挙げるまでもなく、東アジアの狭い領域において向かい合う日韓両国においても、グローバリゼーションは無視することのできない意味を有している。重要なことは、グローバリゼーションが − 時に誤解されているように−「国境がなくなること」を意味しているのではない、ということである。寧ろ、それが意味するのは各国、各個人の「地理的配置が意味を持たなくなる」ということである“ットワークを通じて地球の裏側にある取引先との決済が瞬時に可能となった今日において、互いの領域の近さは互いが関心と交流、その結果としての取引関係を有することを保障などしない。それは例えば領域内ネットワークが完備され、ほぼ完成した単一市場を形成しているわが国国内の例を見れば明らかであろう。本報告の目的は参加者の皆さんと共にこの問題について考えることである。
  6. 研究会世話人:
    杉島 敬志(京大大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科),林 行夫(地域研究情報統合センター)
    速水 洋子(京大東南アジア研究所),伊藤 正子(京大大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科)
  7. 東南アジア学会関西地区例会担当:
  8. 研究会事務局:
  1. 日 時:平成19年1月13日(土)- 14日(日)
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所 北棟2階東南亭
  3. プログラム:
    10:00 - 12:00
    『東南アジア研究』特集号 合評(前日より続き)
  4. 直前のお知らせで申し訳ございませんが、準備の都合上、出席される方は小泉までご一報いただければ幸いです。
  5. 連絡先:
拠点大学交流事業特別セミナープロジェクト8「変貌する「家族」」主催 - イサーン(東北タイ)社会における通文化結婚:研究の現状-
  1. 日 時:平成19年1月12日(金) 15:30〜18:00
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所 東棟2階セミナー室 (E207)
  3. 発表者:Professor Yaowalak Apichatvullop (Khon Kaen University)and Professor Patcharin Lapanun (Khon Kaen University)
  4. 要旨抜粋:
    In Thailand, during the recent decades, transnational marriage between rural Thai women and ? predominantly European ? Western men is one a striking social phenomenon in current Northeastern (locally known as Isaan) Thai society. A preliminary survey conducted by the National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB) in 2003 indicated that 19,594 women in 19 northeastern provinces married to foreigners. Statistics also indicated that in some rural villages women around one-third of the total households are engaged in these transnational relationships. Although intermarriage is not a recent phenomenon in Thai society, the current phenomenon of transnational marriages, however, provides a different scenario. The most obvious difference is the drastic increase in terms of quantity ? particularly in this recent decade. It is also observed that there are many more women from rural communities, particularly in Isaan, engaging in these relationships than women from any other region or social class. The dynamics of these relationships also differ in that it is more common now for women to not permanently leave their families and communities of origin to earn a living in the husband’s country. Meanwhile, there are also growing numbers of Western partners who move to live with their wives in rural villages for some period of time every year. In these contemporary situations, then, the couple is mobile more often than in the past.
    This research aims to explore the development and dynamics of cross-cultural marriage in Thai society and its relation to the current phenomenon of transnational marriage between rural Isaan women and western men. It also seeks to review how this phenomenon has been conceptualized under the dynamics of the Thai as well as global contexts. Based on documentary studies, the research is divided into two major parts. The first part deals with cross-cultural marriage, particularly between Thais and Westerners, in social history of Siam. The second part focuses more on dynamics of the phenomenon and the analytical approaches applied to capture the phenomenon.