京都大学東南アジア研究所ナビゲーションをスキップしてコンテンツへ 日本語 | English
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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University




  1. 日 時:2007年3月31日(土) 13:30〜17:30
  2. 場 所:東南アジア研究所 東南亭(北棟2階)
  3. プログラム:
    「植民地的知の現地化: イブラヒム・ハジ・ヤーコブの汎マレー主義」、左右田直規(東京外国語大学)
  4. ディスカッサント:土佐桂子(東京外国語大学)、小泉順子(CSEAS)
  5. 問い合せ先:小泉順子(CSEAS)
  1. 日 時:2007年3月31日(土) 14:00〜16:55
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所 東棟2階第1教室(207号)
  3. プログラム:
        海外勤務健康管理センター所長代行 濱田篤郎先生
        長崎大学熱帯医学研究所 熱帯感染症研究センター 堀尾政博先生
  4. 濱田先生は「旅と病の三千年史」(文春新書)などでおなじみの旅行医学の第一人者で、今回の御講演も旅行医学の歴史にかかわるものです。
  5. 研究会の終了後には、近所で懇親会も予定しております。
  6. 連絡係:中口義次(CSEAS)
第9回 映像なんでも観る会
今回上映する「昨日 今日 そして明日へ・・・」は、タイ北部・パヤオ県の農村に住むHIV陽性の2家族の日常の生活や日々の暮らしを、映像 にしたドキュメンタリー作品です。監督の直井里予(なおいりよ)さんは3年間、家族とともに時間を過ごしながら、対話の中で作品を生み出しました。今回は上映後、直井里予さんのトークを予定しています。是非ご参加ください。 また、会の後に懇親会を予定しています。
  1. 日 時:2007年3月30日(金) 16:00〜
  2. 場 所:旧工学部4号館4階(アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科) 大会議室
  3. 作 品:「昨日 今日 そして明日へ・・・」(2005バンコク国際映画祭出品作品)
  4. 監督・撮影・編集:
    90分 タイ語(日本語字幕)

    「タイ北部に位置するパヤオ県。 丘陵に囲まれた自然豊かな農村で、地に足をつけ生活するHIV陽性の2家族。「生の不安」に向き合いながらも、「今」を生きる幸せをかみしめながら 心穏やかに一日一日を過ごしていました。 朝の市場での買い物、散歩、近所の人たちとの会話、家族との食事や会話、魚売りや農作業、仕事の後の水浴び…。そんなささやかな日常を丁寧に丁寧に 生きることが、実は人間の生を支えていることに、製作過程で気づかされました。 この作品は、村の高校生と体をぶつけあいながらサッカーに熱中するHIV陽性者たちの「生の輝き」との出会い、そして彼らとの3年間にわたる対話から生まれた作品です。2家族の日常生活を通して、彼らの抱いている思い、喜びや哀しみ、そして人間の生死の有り様を描きました。 」

    直井里予(なおい りよ) 1970年、茨城県ひたちなか市生まれ。ワシントン州立大学コミュニケーション学部修士課程修了。アジアプレス・インターナショナル所属。1999年からタイ在住。初の長編ドキュメンタリー映画「Yesterday Today Tomorrow〜昨日 今日 そして明日へ・・・〜」で台湾国際ドキュメンタリー映画祭2006アジア部門審査員特別賞を受賞。現在、タイで「昨日今日 そして明日へ・・・」の続編を製作中。

    「直井里予 監督インタビュー」
  5. 連絡先:北村 由美(CSEAS)
  1. 日 時:2007年3月30日(金) 13:30〜17:30
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所 東棟2階第1教室(207号)
  3. テーマ:アジアの農村開発の新しい可能性
  4. プログラム:
    1. 「趣旨説明―村で暮らす楽しみと誇りの大切さー」
    2. 「災害支援における開発性と地域性−パキスタン地震被災者支援の事例−」
    3. 「地域振興としてのエコミュージアム〜インドアッサム州カジランガ国立公園の可能性〜」
    4. 「村の文化資料館活動−暮らしとアイデンティを学ぶ教室−」
  5. 連絡先:安藤 和雄(CSEAS)
Seminar on local politics and local administration in Comparative Perspectives between Thailand and Japan
  1. 日 時:2007年3月27日(火) 13:00〜17:30
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所 東棟2階第1教室(207号)
  3. プログラム:
    Opening session
    Prof. Mizuno Kosuke, Director of CSEAS,Kyoto University
    Prof. Surapon Nitikraipot, The Rector of Thammasat University
    "Intergovernmental reform in Japan"
    Prof.Kengo Akizuki, Kyoto University
    Discussant: Prof. Niyom Ratamarit, Thammasat University
    "Local Administration in Thailand"
    Prof.Taweep Chaisomphob, Thammasat University
    Discussant: Prof. Yoshifumi Tamada, Kyoto University
    "The Status of Central-Local Government Relationship in Thailand : A Case of Tambon Administrative Organization"
    Mr.Wasan Luangpraphat, Kobe University
    Discussant: Dr. Achakorn Wongpreedee, Kyoto University
  4. コーディネーター:
    1.Thammasat University, International Student Service: Ms.Wimonsiri Hemtanon
    2.Kyoto University, CSEAS office: Ms.Miyuki Nakamura
  1. 日 時:2007年3月23日(金) 16:00〜18:30
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所等共同棟共同棟3階303室
  3. 報告者:石井正子(京都大学地域研究統合情報センター)
  4. 講 演:フィリピンの女性労働政策:『海外労働者の女性化』が与える影響について
  5. 要旨:
  6. 研究会世話人:
    杉島 敬志(大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科)
    林 行夫(地域研究統合情報センター)
    速水 洋子(東南アジア研究所)
    伊藤 正子(大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科)
  7. 研究会事務局・問い合わせ:
    王柳蘭(大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科 助手)
    河邉孝昭(大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科 院生)
    吉田香世子(大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科 院生)
    吉村千恵(大学院アジア・アフリカ地位研究研究科 院生)
Special Seminar
  1. 日 時:2007年3月23日(金) 16:00〜
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所2階教室(E207)
  3. 報告者:Dr. Kwanchewan Buadaeng, CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow and Social Research Institute, Chiang Mai University, Thailand.
  4. 講 演:Letters of Contestation: Leke Religious Cult among the Karens in Myanmarand Thailand
  5. Abstract:
    Leke is one among many religious cults of the Karen peoples in Myanmar and Thailand. Data on Leke has been collected from Leke communities in a refugee camp at Thai-Myanmar border and in various places in Pa-an city of the Karen State in Myanmar. Similar to other religious cults, Leke has its own belief system and religious practices although some of its elements can be identified with those of the world religions. The salient feature of the Leke, however, is the upholding of li chaw wae, literally the chicken-scratch letters and the li chaw wae sacred scripts. Many studies found that oral tradition-based ethnic peoples, such as the Karen, have yearned for their own literacy. This has led to their conversion to Christianity as they have got their ‘own’ letters which were invented by missionaries. For the Leke, however, they choose to have their own letters, treat them as sacred scripts and relate them to the survival of the Karen community and identity. My argument here is that religious symbols, discourses and structure around the sacred letters of Leke have created specific Karen ethno-religious identity to contest with others, unite Karen people and resist the integration into the dominant society. To illustrate this, the paper describes the myth of origin of li chaw wae letters against the background of the emergence of other Karen letters during the colonization period in Myanmar. Then description is continued on Leke religious structure, discourses and practices which are constructed according to li chaw wae scripts. The paper will also comment on constraints and opportunities to maintain Leke community amidst the pressure from modernization and nationalization.
  6. コーディネーター:
    速水 洋子
Kyoto Philippine Forum
  1. 日 時:2007年3月21日(水) 9:00-18:00
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所2階教室(E207)
  3. 共 催:Center for Southeast Asian Studies 、Kyoto Association of Philippine Students, KAPS
  4. Topic:"The May Elections and Peace Prospects in Moro Mindanao"
  5. Rationale:
    In May 2007, the Philippines will have another round of general elections for the two houses of its legislature and for provincial and city officials. The outcome of the elections will determine whether President Gloria Arroyo will be able to continue to pursue her policies or face the rest of her term constantly being hampered by her opponents in the legislature. In the southern island of Mindanao, Arroyo also faces another challenge: making sure that a peace agreement be signed between the government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) that would finally bring peace in the war-torn island. The only other option should the negotiations fail is to return to the battlefield.
    In this forum, panelists will discuss these two “flashpoints” in present Philippine politics. The panelists representing academia, the NGO sector, and social movements will discuss the factors that make the elections and the peace process vital to the survival of the Arroyo presidency. They will also re-examine the benefits and problems arising from the return of constitutional politics in the country, especially the role of crime and corruption in tarnishing the process.
  6. Panelists:
    • Mr. Ricardo Reyes, former Secretary-General, AKBAYAN Party-list
    • Dr. Nathan Gilbert Quimpo, Associate Professor, Tsukuba University
    • Prof. Rufa Guiam, Visiting Fellow, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, and Professor, Mindanao State University
    • Prof. Jorge Tigno, Department of Political Science, University of the Philippines
  7. Program:
    Morning Session: The May Elections in the Philippines: Prospects and Frustrations
    Moderator: Dr. Patricio N. Abinales, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
    8:30-9:00 Registration
    9:00-9:15 Welcome Remarks
    9:15-10:00 Mr. Ricardo Reyes, AKBAYAN
    Topic: The Left and the Legislative Process
    10:00-10:15 Coffee Break
    10:15-11:00 Dr. Nathan Quimpo, Tsukuba University
    Topic: Political Parties and Corruption
    11:00-12:00 Open Forum
    Afternoon Session. Mindanao Amidst War and Peace
    Moderator: Dr. Masako Ishii, Center for Integrative Area Studies, Kyoto University
    2:00-2:45 Prof. Jorge Tigno, University of the Philippines
    Topic: Migrants and the Mindanao War
    2:45-3:00 Coffee Break
    3:00-3:45 Prof. Rufa Guiam, Mindanao State University
    Topic: Gender Relationships during and after the War Years
    4:45-5:30 Open Forum
    5:30-5:45 Closing Remarks
  8. Contact:
    Patricio N. Abinales, CSEAS, Kyoto University
  1. 日 時:2007年3月20日(火) 14:00〜17:30
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所2階教室(E207)
  3. 報告者1:海野 朝子(東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科)
  4. タイトル:「ミャンマーにおけるマイクロファイナンスの特徴と問題点:金融機関と中部ドライゾーン農村家計へのインタビュー調査結果を中心に」
  5. コメンテーター:松田正彦(立命館大学)
  6. 報告者2:岡江 恭史(農林水産省 農林水産政策研究所)
  7. タイトル:「ベトナム農村における銀行融資をめぐる社会関係」
  8. コメンテーター:柳澤雅之(地域研究統合情報センター)
  9. モデレーター:藤田幸一
  10. 報告要旨:
    「ミャンマーにおけるマイクロファイナンスの特徴と問題点:金融機関と中部ドライゾーン農村家計へのインタビュー調査結果を中心に」(海野 朝子)
    「べトナム農村における銀行融資をめぐる社会関係」(岡江 恭史 )
  1. 日 時:2007年3月16日(金) 15:30〜18:00
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所2階教室(E207)
  3. 報告者:桜井由躬雄(東京大学教授)
  4. 講 演:「歴史地域学の試みーバックコックの13年」
  5. なお、本研究会は、通算第3回目の「地域研究アーカイブ」(基盤研究(S)「地域情報学の創出(代表:柴山 守)」)と共催しております。「地域研究活動アーカイブ」は、長年にわたって特定の地域および「地域研究」と格闘されてきた先達を「語り部」としてお招きして、過去および現在の「地域研究」における研究対象や研究方法の変遷や特徴を浮き彫りにし、その実践を未来への試金石、共有財とする試みのひとつです。とくに若い世代の方々には、大いに益するものと期待しております。ぜひ、ご参加ください。
  6. コーディネーター:
    林 行夫(地域研究統合情報センター)、柳澤雅之(地域研究統合情報センター)
  1. 日 時:2007年3月15日(木) 14:00-17:00
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所2階教室(E207)
  3. 共 催:「国家・市場・共同体」研究会
  4. Topic:9: "The Asian International Economic Order”Labour-intensive Industrialisation in Southeast Asia
  5. Speaker:
    Professor Porphant Ouyyanont (Sukothai Thammathirat University)
    Dr Mya Than (Chulalongkorn University)
  6. Program:
    14:00 - 15:30
    Porphant Ouyyanont
    "Cheap Labour and the Industrialisation of Bangkok after 1945"
    Dsicussant: Kaoru Sugihara (CSEAS, Kyoto University)
    15:30 - 17:00
    Mya Than
    "Myanmar's Transitional Economy and the Regional Divide"
    Dsicussant: Ikuko Okamoto (Institute of Developing Economies)
  7. Abstract:Professor Porphant Ouyyanont
    This seminar deals with the remarkable industrialisation of Bangkok and the growth of its population after 1945. Equally remarkable is the earlier long period when there was virtually no industrialisation and much of the labour market for industries and services came from migrants from China. After 1945, the Bangkok labour force increasingly came from within the country. What caused these changes? The argument made in this paper is that a fundamental shift took place in the Thai labour market after 1945 as relative earnings in industry and agriculture shifted in favour of the former.
  8. Abstract:Dr Mya Than
  9. Contact:
    Kaoru Sugihara CSEAS, Kyoto University
Building East Asian Networks on Southeast Asian Studies
  1. 日 時:2007年3月14日(水) 9:00-13:00
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所2階教室(E207)
  3. Program (Tentative):
    Opening remarks: Kosuke Mizuno (Professor & Director, CSEAS, KyotoUniversity)
    Part 1: Southeast Asia and Southern China (Yunnan)
    1. Chang Wen-chin (Assistant Research Fellow, CAPAS, Academia Sinica)
      "Venturing into "Barbarous" Regions: Trans-border Trade among Migrant Yunnanese between Thailand and Burma,1960s-1980s"
    2. Kong Jianxun (Research Fellow, Yunnan Institute of Southeast AsianStudies,
      currently Visiting Research Fellow, CSEAS)
      "Southeast Asian Studies in Yunnan: A Brief Introduction"
    Part 2: Southeast Asian Studies in East Asia
    1. Jenn-Jaw Soong (Professor & Head of Dept. of Political Science, Chair of Graduate Institute of Political Economy, National Cheng Kung Univeristy)
      "Change and Development of Southeast Asian Studies in Taiwan"
    2. Liao Shaolian (Professor & Deputy Director, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University)
      "Southeast Asian Studies in China: Progresses and Challenges"
    Part 3: General Discussion
  4. Contact:Junko KOIZUMI (CSEAS)
  1. 日 時:2007年3月12日(月)-13日(火)
  2. 場 所:京大会館
  3. 主 催:
  1. JSPS-NRCT Core University Program Workshop
    The Thai Coup d’etat and Post-Authoritarian Southeast Asia
    -The Shifting Balance of Social Powers-
  2. Date:March 12 (Mon.) -13 (Tue.), 2007
  3. Place:
    Kyodai Kaikan
    15-9, Yoshida Kawaramachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8305 Japan
  4. Provisional Program:
    MARCH 12, 2007 (Monday)
    9:00 -
    Opening Remarks Kosuke Mizuno (Kyoto University)
    SESSION I: “Neo-Liberal Populism”?: Reassessing Thaksin’s Regime
    Chair: Kaoru Sugihara (Kyoto University)
    • Pasuk Phongpaichit (Chulalongkorn University) and Chris Baker
      After the Thai Coup: Prospects for Thailand and South East Asia
    • Akira Suehiro (University of Tokyo)
      The Modernization Framework of the Kingdom of Thailand under the Thaksin Administration: Decision-making System and Reforms of Budget Allocation
    • Nualnoi Treerat (Chulalongkorn University)
      Institutions and Rent Management in Thailand (provisional title)
    • Prapart Pintoptang (Chulalongkorn University)
      State, Populist Policy and the Poor Movements after the Thaksin Regime
    Discussants: Hideo Otake (Kyoto University) ,Yoshifumi Tamada (Kyoto University)
    14:00 -
    SESSION II: “Populism” in Comparative Perspective
    Chair: Kosuke Mizuno (Kyoto University)
    • Khoo Boo Teik (Universiti Sains Malaysia)
      The Ends of Populism: Mahathir’s Departure and Thaksin’s Overthrow
    • Hermawan Sulistyo (Indonesian Institute of Science)
      Contestation of Images: Regimes' Populist Imaging in the Politics of Post-Soeharto Indonesia."
    • Kan Kimura (Kobe University)
      Nationalistic Populism in East Asia
    • Hiroshi Matsushita (Professor Emeritus, Kobe University)
      Latin American Populism in Recent Years: A Return from Neo-populism to the Old One?
    Discussants: Ukrist Pathmanand (Chulalongkorn University), Jenn-Jaw Soong (National Cheng Kung Univeristy)
    MARCH 13, 2007 (Tuesday)
    9:00 -
    SESSION III: Social Resistance and Good Governance in Thailand
    Chair: asuk Phongpaichit (Chulalongkorn University)
    • Lae Dilokvidhyarat (Chulalongkorn University)
      The Roles of Trade Unions in the Thai Coup and Democratization (provisional title)
    • Somchai Phatharathananunth (Maha Sarakham University)
      Isan Farmers’ Movements under Thaksin
    • Thanet Aphornsuvan (Thammasat University)
      Social Forces and Political Movements in the Muslim South
    Discussants: Shinichi Shigetomi (Institute of Developing Economies), Chris Baker, Chen Pei His (National Chi-nan University)
    14:00 -
    SESSION IV: Social Resistance and Good Governance in East Asia
    Chair: Masaaki Okamoto (Kyoto University)
    • Hetifah Sjaifudian (Akatiga-Centre for Social Analysis)
      Citizen Participation in Post Authoritarian Indonesia What can be learned from the citizen forums?
    • Ricardo Basilio Reyes (Institute for Popular Democracy)
      Social Movements in Post Edosa Era (provisional title)
    • Kosuke Mizuno (Kyoto University)
      Labor Unions in Indonesia after 1998: Their Origins, Organizations and Activities
    • Junko Hoshi (University of Tokyo)
      Where Resistance and Policy Meet: the Transition of Community Empowerment in Meinung, Taiwan
    Discussants: Patricio Abinales (Kyoto University) , Khoo Boo Teik (Universiti Sains Malaysia)
    Closing Remarks  Kaoru Sugihara (Kyoto University)
  5. Oulline:The Thai Coup d’etat and Post-Authoritarian Southeast Asia -The Shifting Balance of Social Powers- (PDF)
第二弾企画「アラブ映画祭2007 in Kyoto University」(2007年3月12・13日)
 2007年秋に京都大学において予定されている国際シンポジウム 「映像に語らせる中東・イスラーム−中東映像人 類学・ドキュメンタリー・ジャーナリズムの共同へ向けて(仮題)」に向けて、先月から京都大学では中東映画祭を企画しており、第一弾企画では「パレスチナ‐エドワード・サイード再考」を開催いたしました。
この度は、第二弾企画として、国際交流基金のご好意もあり、エジプトからダーウード・アブドゥッサイード監督、チュニジアからナーセル・ヘミール監督をお招きし、2日間にわたって「アラブ映画祭2007 in Kyoto University」を開催いたし ます。会場も大きくオープンな上映会であり、監督たちも多くの方々との交流を希望しておりますので、研究者の方に限らず、皆様奮ってご参加ください。
  1. 【初日】
  2. 日 時:2007年3月12日(月) 16:00〜
  3. 場 所:京都大学吉田キャンパス工学部4号館4階会議室(AA447)
  4. 主 催:
  5. スケジュール:
    16:00〜 映画『恐怖の大地』の上映[日本語字幕]
  6. 司 会:新井一寛(京都大学大学院ASAFAS博士課程)
  7. 映画と監督の紹介:
    ダーウード・アブドゥッサイード Mr. Daoud Abdel Sayyid (『恐怖の大地』監督)
  1. 【2日目】
  2. 日 時:2007年3月12日(月) 12:00〜
  3. 場 所:京都大学吉田キャンパス工学部4号館4階会議室(AA447)
  4. 主 催:
  5. スケジュール:
    12:00〜 映画『バーブ・アジーズ』の上映[日本語字幕]
  6. 司 会:新井一寛(京都大学大学院ASAFAS博士課程)
  7. 映画と監督の紹介:
    ナーセル・へミール Mr. Nacer Khemir(『バーブ・アジーズ』監督/チュニジア)
    1948年チュニジア生まれ。フランスで教育を受ける。『砂漠を彷徨する人々』(84)The Wanderersで監督デビュー。90年に 『鳩の失われたネックレス』The Dove's Lost Necklaceを発表し、ロカルノ国際映画祭で審査員特別賞を受賞する。彫刻家やパフォーマー、作家としても活躍している。
  8. 上記映画・監督の紹介文は全て「国際交流基金:アラブ映画祭2007」HPからの引用
  1. 日 時:2007年3月9日(金) 14:00〜17:00
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所 共同棟3階講義室(307)
  3. 報告者・論題:
    ・中島岳志 (北海道大学公共政策大学院)「パール判事と東京裁判」
    ・上田知亮 (京都大学法学部)「G・K・ゴーカレーの地方自治論」
  4. コメンテーター:
  5. 発表要旨:
    「パール判事と東京裁判」 中島岳志 (北海道大学)
    「G・K・ゴーカレーの地方自治論」上田知亮 (京都大学法学部)
  6. *研究会終了後、懇親会を予定しています。
  7. 連絡係・企画:
    遠藤環、 河野元子、生方史数 、小林知、北村由美、村上咲
API Seminar
  1. 日 時:2007年3月9日(金) 15:00〜
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所2階教室(E207)
  3. 報告者:
    ・Sing Suwannakij (Chulalongkorn University)
    ・Supa Yaimuang (Sustainable Agriculture Foundation, Thailand)
  4. 司会者:
  5. プログラム:
    15:00〜 Prof. Koji Tanaka (CIAS, Kyoto University) -- Welcome
    15:05〜 Sing Suwannakij - Paradoxes in Modern Japanese Spiritual Life
    15:45〜 Discussion
    16:05〜 Coffee Break
    16:15〜 Supa Yaimuang - The Changing of Agrarian Livelihood and sustainable Agriculture under Globalization
    16:55〜 Discussion
    17:15〜 Closing
  6. Abstract: Sing Suwannakij
    “ Paradoxes in Modern Japanese Spiritual Life”
    In order not to repeat what the audience can easily find in a vast amount of literature on the issue of religions in Japan, I would like to discuss the spiritual life of the Japanese based on the perspective of an observer who come from another culture, i.e. Thai, and on my experiences and feelings that arise at the moment of the encounter with the ‘object’ of study. What I found is a number of paradoxes and contradictions: the triumph of materialism in modern society has necessarily put spirituality, religion, and the search for authenticity at the other end of the spectrum, thus producing a number of dual contradictions: for instance, the mundane VS the ultramundane; physical VS mental; social VS individual; private VS public/politics; oriental VS occidental; Self VS Other; salvation VS spirituality; specialization VS reflective holism; work VS play; rationality VS emotion; image VS beyond image; among others. Towards the end of the presentation, I would like to briefly discuss the conscious attempt to incorporate spirituality into social action, instead of simply searching for personal salvation in modern life. I will mainly draw examples from the idea and practice of Engaged Buddhism in Japan and the role of kaminchu/yuta in peace movement in Okinawa
  7. Abstract: Supa Yaimuang
    “ The changing of Agrarian Livelihood and Sustainable Agriculture under Globalizaiton”
    During the last few decade, Globalization has created an enormous change to people in the world including farmers. In fact, both Thai and Japanese farmers are facing the change as a result of modernization, and commercialization. They are pushed to enter the stage of competition under the world trade negotiation. As a result, it has created change over the trade negotiation on agriculture, in stead of focusing only at global level, the competitions now go beyond to all levels of negotiation including domestic market. Japanese farmers are facing the mentioned challenge. The protection policy of Japanese government to the agricultural sector are changed and shifted to the enhancing of farmers’ capacity under the framework of uplifting competition ability and production efficiency. These change have been developed among the confusion of the farmers and the communities. It can be said that Japanese agriculture will be facing an enormous change in the near future. These change will affect especially for the small farmers.
    The Social movement in Japan have been trying to solve the people’s problem and also the social problem since after World War II. There are many groups such as the groups of the people who help each other in the community, the farmers who do the Organic farm, Natural farming or the Teikei system . But now they are also facing the change. Anyway, the experience of the farmers and the people in the movement will be the social capital to step beyond Globalization. Among the changing of the society, the collaboration among the people’s group in Japan and those in the other countries are building up. And it have been implemented under the concept idea of peace and justice.
  8. 連絡先:速水 洋子(CSEAS)
  1. 日 時:2007年3月8日(木) 16:00〜18:30
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所共同棟3階セミナー室
  3. プログラム:
    Dr. Yunita Winarto
    “The Persisting and Changing “Family” in Java: Empowering Women, Changing Power Relations?”
    Dr.Sulistyowati Irianto 
  4. “Changing Legal Position of Women in Inheritance Through Dispute Settlement Processes (Case Study among Some Ethnic Groups in Indonesia)
  5. Abstract: Dr. Yunita Winarto
    It is a reality that the rural people all over Java are experiencing significant changes in their life in the recent modernization and globalization era. The rural farmers in villages in Java, such as in Gunung Kidul in the southern part of Yogyakarta, have gradually become part of the larger world, not only through the flow of people and things in and out the village, but also through the flow of ideas and intervened programs from various agencies. The state’s intervention program is one significant aspect that brought some changes in their life. The presentation will discuss and examine the extent to which the involvement of women as the recipients of those programs has been altering the power relations within the so-called ‘family’ in Gunung Kidul region. The Javanese rural women have been actively carrying out their roles in both domestic and economic domains. Yet, in the past or in their “traditional” Javanese norms, women were not quite involved in social-political affairs as “the husband’s friend at the back of the house” or as konco wingking. In the recent years I observed a growth of women’s role as active and creative agents in both economic and social-political arenas of their life. It is thus significant to examine the extent to which the changes of opportunities and circumstances in village life and women’s empowerment due to various kinds of intervention affect their “traditional” roles as Javanese wives and mothers which may further have some implications on the Javanese concepts and institutions of “household and family”. What are the persisting norms and practices despite some changes?
    As an illustration, I will discuss two cases of active and creative women agents in two villages in the regency of Gunung Kidul. Both of them have been exposed to various government programs, including the so-called Farmer Field School in Integrated Pest Management. Some similarities and variations do exist in its implications on “household and family life, their roles beyond the domestic world, and the formation of collective action” in their locales.
  6. Abstract: Dr. Sulistyowati Irianto
    Legal reform in Indonesia indicates that the legal position of Indonesian women in inheritance matters is gradually changing. There is no codification of law govern inheritance in Indonesia. Codified legal authority governing inheritance spreads in several Acts, like the Marriage Act, the Civil Code (valid for the Christian), and the Compilation of Islamic Law, or sharia (valid for the Moslem). There are also many Judge Decisions of the Supreme Court on inheritance cases deal with many ethnic groups in Indonesia. The aim of the proposed research is to examine the shifts in women’s positions in inheritance matters, with a main focus on women belongs to some ethnic groups in Indonesia. It criticises the substance of existing legal references, and challenge how it is applied by the court. It will also problematize women’s access to justice in inheritance disputes. The study thus aims to examine how the changing “inheritance law” and its practice are taking place through the dispute cases.
    The research will be conducted in three phases. The first is a critical analysis of the legal documentation governing inheritance to determine the position and rights of women in these statutes. The second is documentary research which will look at the law cases available in the Supreme Court Documentation and see how judges have interpreted the law in the court room. The comparative perspective will be used by selecting the law cases deal with inheritance among patrilineal, matrilineal, and bilateral kinship system from various religious background (mainly Moslem and Christian). This third phase is to observe the ongoing court trial. The parties involved in the certain case will be interviewed. The research will be limited to the State Courts located in Jakarta and two nearby districts in West Java (Depok and Bogor). The religious court can be also selected because most of the Moslem settled family dispute in religious court.
  7. 連絡先:速水 洋子 (CSEAS)