京都大学東南アジア研究所ナビゲーションをスキップしてコンテンツへ 日本語 | English
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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University




  1. 日 時:平成19年5月31日(木) 14:00〜16:30
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所東棟E207
  3. 講演者:
    FRANKI S. NOTOSUDIRDJO(ペンネームFranki Raden),
    Sessional Professor in Visual and Performing Arts Department of Humanities, University of Toronto.
  4. タイトル:
    The Japanese Influence on Music, Politics, and Nationalism in Indonesia:1930s-1950s.
  5. 司 会: 永渕康之(東南アジア研究所客員教授)
  6. Abstract:
    My paper addresses the issue of Japanese influence on Indonesian music during the brief yet highly crucial three year period in the Second World War, 1942-45. Before the war erupted, Indonesian composers were already involved in the struggle of forming Indonesian national identity through cultural means. As early as 1916, Ki Hadjar Dewantara, one of the most prominent nationalist leaders, composed a piece of music for piano and soprano entitled “Kinanthie Sandoong.” This piece posted challenges that could not be solved by musicians who merely have European classical musical background, since it was designed by combining compositional techniques and aesthetics of Javanese gamelan and European classical music. In so doing, Ki Hadjar demonstrated that Indonesian people were as capable as the Europeans in engaging themselves with the idea of progress and modernity. Therefore, they deserved to be treated equally as an independent nation.
    During the Japanese occupation, this cultural resistance turned into a more direct political expression, as the purpose of seeking Indonesian independence and national identity became an urgent matter. At this moment, many Indonesian composers learned how to compose songs with high revolutionary spirit from Japanese composers, such as Nobuo Iida through their involvement as employees of Keimin Bunka Shidoso, the Japanese cultural center in Jakarta which produced propaganda materials for the war. Among these composers were Amir Pasaribu and Cornel Simanjuntak, two most important Indonesian musicians who significantly contributed to the idea of developing further the concept of Indonesian national music after the end of the Second World War. Pasaribu happened to be trained as a composer, multi-instrumentalist and conductor in Japan before the war broke up.
    The struggle for grasping this state of the musical endeavor reached its dramatic moment with the emergence of leftist composers associated with LEKRA (Institute of People’s Culture). This gained a significant support from Partai Komunis Indonesia (Indonesian Communist Party) led by Aidit, a highly intelligent and powerful young politician, in the early 1950s.
    As a conclusion, I would argue that although the short period of Japanese occupation brought a bitter memory to most Indonesians, its crucial role in influencing the formation of Indonesian national music and identity needs to be acknowledged.
  7. 問い合わせ先:岡本正明:okamoto@cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp
  8. 世話人:玉田芳史(ASAFAS)、 岡本正明(CSEAS)
第12回 映像なんでも観る会
  1. 日 時:2007年5月29日(火) 14:50〜
  2. 場 所:
  3. プログラム:
    14:50 開始
    17:05-17:15 休憩
    17:15-18:15 『戦士の刻印:女性性器切除の真実』(57分)
    18:15-18:30 コメント 岡真理さん
    18:30-19:10 ディスカッション 


    (原題:Warrior Marks: Female Genital Mutilation and the Sexual Binding
    on Women)

    築に向けて」江原由美子編『性・暴力・ネーション』207-256, 勁草書房。
  4. Coordinator:北村 由美
第18回 農村開発における地域性
  1. 日 時:平成19年5月28日(月) 13:30〜17:30
  2. 場 所:高野山大学密教文化研究所
  3. 報告1:奥山直司(高野山大)「ベンガル仏教史に関する一考察―バングラデシュの遺跡と遺物を手掛かりに―」(仮題)
  4. 報告2:安藤和雄(東南アジア研究所)「ベンガル仏教世界が伝える古代農業における技術変化と伝播」(仮題)
  5. ワークショップ参加予定者:
    谷口晉吉(一ツ橋大学)、ケシャブ・ラール・マハルジャン(広島大学)、宇佐見晃一(山口大学)、藤原洋二郎(株式会社 TASK)、矢嶋吉司(東南アジア研究所)他、密教文化研究所の所員の皆さん。
  6. 世話人:安藤和雄(CSEAS)
  1. CSEAS、基盤研究(S)「地域情報学の創出」、JCAS地域情報学研究会共催
  2. 日 時:平成19年5月22日(火) 15:00〜18:00
  3. 場 所:東南アジア研究所 東棟2階セミナー室
  4.        (京都市左京区川端通り荒神橋東詰、京阪電車丸太町駅北へ徒歩5分)
  5. 報告者:桜井由躬雄
  6. 講 演:「19-20世紀ハノイ都市形成の4D-GIS分析」
  7. 趣 旨:
     基盤研究(S)「地域情報学の創出」(研究代表者 柴山 守)のコア研究としてベトナム・ハノイの19-20世紀にわたる都市形成過程を多数の地図資料、フォーコー地区(旧市街地)を中心にした遺蹟フィールド調査、漢喃研究所古文書資料にもとづいて分析を進めている。また、ハノイ中心部の3次元標高モデルを構築し、4次元の時空間概念にもとづく遺蹟マッピングを行うことで仏統治下から20世紀初頭の都市形成を解明する。
  8. 問い合せ先:
    星川圭介 hoshi@cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp
    米澤剛 go-yone@cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp
    柴山守 sibayama@cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Special Seminar
  1. 日 時:平成19年5月17日(木) 15:00〜
  2. 場 所:東南アジア研究所 東棟2階セミナー室
  3. 報告者:Kovit Khampitak (東南アジア研究所外国人研究員/コンケン大学医学部 Assistant Professor)
  4. 講 演:"The situation of elderly people in Thailand"
  5. 趣 旨:
    Thai population, surveyed in 2006, was 62,828,706 people. There were 6,824,000 elders, 10.86%, defined as age of 60 years old or more. About 90% of them were between 60-79 years old. A Thai elderly person tends to increase to 10.7 million or 15% of the population in the next 15 years. 
    Report from the Ministry of Health by elderly health survey in 2004, there had been only 1 in 10 elders or approximately 900,000 people that were healthy or without diseases. About 87% or nearly 6 million people had some diseases. The most common disease was hypertension, at about 51%. The second most common was Diabetes Mellitus (DM), at about 13%. 8% suffered from both DM and hypertension.
    There were 6% of elderly people living alone.The Thai Ministry of Public Health has currently provided the elderly health promotion-clinic in 30% of health centers and will increase to 80% in the end of this year. There has been a policy to promote the organization of elderly clubs which being in each district to motivate a number of elderly activities such as exercises, proper food and Thai massage. Now there are about 10,000 clubs which include 900,000 members. The project named “Health promotion temple” was set up last year with two temples per province, and has a plan to increase to 1200 temples in this year, which the monks in these temples would be trained how to organize elderly health promotion. In addition, the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security has decided to provide volunteers in the elderly care; the goal will be 40 volunteers per district in every district within 2 years. The other policy is to promote and support the native Thai norm in taking care of parents or elders.The advices by the writer by observation of the elderly people in Japan are:
     1. Providing appropriate work or activities for the elderly, especially healthy ones, such as volunteer jobs.
    2. Providing safety environment not only in house environment such as bathroom or kitchen but also the outside environment, for example their transportations under the hypothesis that healthy elderly people are able to have independently daily life activities by the least help.
    3. Providing enough health providers, both public and private section, under the national health security policy.
  6. Coordinator:松林 公蔵
第11回 映像なんでも観る会
- ショート・フィルムズ in 町屋-
GW最後の日にあたる今回は、大学を飛び出し、町屋カフェで行いたいと思いま す。観る会のメンバーが制作した多様な映像の何本かを、町屋でご飯をたべなが ら観て、気楽にコメントする会にしたいと考えています。GWに久しぶりに会うお友達も誘って、ご参加下さい。会場の「ペンネンネネム」は1階が絵本屋、2階が シアタールームという、なかなか素敵なお店です。
  1. 日 時:平成19年5月6日(日) 18:00〜
  2. 場 所:ペンネンネネム http://www.geocities.jp/nenemu_cafe/top.html
  3. 費 用:600円+各自の飲食費
  4. プログラム:
    ・『Room 11』(22分・エチオピア)撮影・編集 川瀬慈
       (第10回RAI Film Festival 入選作品
     ・『オーラル・ポルノグラフィー』(14分・エチオピア)撮影・編集 川瀬慈
     ・『同居とカメラ−出演交渉依頼編−』(17分・日本)  撮影・編集 新井一寛
     ・『スーフィー教団の地方支部訪問記』(25分エジプト) 撮影・編集 新井一寛
  5. Coordinator:北村 由美