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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University




Special Seminar: Nuclear Politics in Southeast Asia
  1. 日 時:2010年8月24日(火)15:00-17:00
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所稲盛財団記念館3階 小会議室I
  3. Speaker:Dr. Sulfikar Amir (Assistant Professor, Division of Sociology, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University)
  4. Topic:The Battle in Jepara: Nuclear Power and the State-Society Relation in Post-New Order Indonesia
  5. Abstract:
    For the past thirty years, Indonesia has been trying to develop nuclear power meant to sustain energy security. The urgency to go nuclear is currently becoming stronger particularly due to ongoing energy crisis caused by rapid depletion in Indonesia’s oil reserves. The Indonesian state nuclear agency proposes to have four nuclear power plants built in Jepara, Central Java. The first construction is planned to commence very soon to be operating commercially by 2016. The state’s desire for nuclear power, however, has been responded very critically by civil society groups that view the state’s nuclear energy planning malicious and hazardous. The apprehension comes from a conviction that the state has no adequate capacity to operate high-risk technology such as nuclear energy. An anti-nuclear alliance constituted by a number of grassroots groups concentrated in Jepara emerges to curb the construction of Indonsia’s first nuclear power plant. Delving into the engagement of civil society groups in highly technocratic issues of nuclear power organized by state technocrats, this seminar brings into spotlight the contestation between the state and civil society that characterize the state-society relation in Indonesia after the collapse of the New Order regime. The seminar highlights two issues. First, it examines the logic and rationality that drive the state’s ambition to go nuclear. While it touches mostly on domestic politics, international factors are briefly discussed. Second, it observes the rise of organized resistance coordinated by civil society groups and how these groups encounter the discourse of nuclear risks constructed by the state. The seminar concludes by discussing two fundamental changes in the contemporary state-society relation in Indonesia.
  6. Biography:
    Dr. Sulfikar Amir is an assistant professor in the Division of Sociology at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He completed a PhD in Science and Technology Studies at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. His research interests cover technological nationalism, sociology of technology, sociology of risk, development, and Southeast Asian studies. His articles have published in journals such as Asian Survey, Indonesia, Technology in Society, and Bulletin of Science, Technology, and Society.
歌川邦芳の浮世絵「木曾街道六十九次の内 守山宿」にちなんで、手打ちそばで地域交流や地域ブランドの創出を目指している地元の団体「守山宿だるまそばの会」と協働しながら、地域の既存資源である「畑地」を有効利用しようとするものです。参加を希望される方は、8月20日(金)までに世話役を行なっている嶋田奈穂子 nshimada@cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jpへメールでご連絡ください。よろしくお願いいたします。
  1. 日 時:
    午前9時~ ソバの種まき
    午前11時~ 守山産そば粉を使った手打ちソバ体験
  2. 場 所:中山道守山宿 街道文化交流館
  3. 備 考: タオルやお飲み物はご持参ください。