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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University




  1. 日 時:平成23年1月29日(土)14:00~18:00
  2. 場 所:京都大学 稲盛記念館3階 中会議室
  3. 共通テーマ:東南アジアおよび周辺地域で驚異となっている蚊媒介性感染症
  4. プログラム:14:00~18:00
    ① 媒介性ウイルス病(デング熱など)について  (60分)
        高崎 智彦 先生 (国立感染症研究所 蚊ウイルス第一部 第二室 室長)
    ② デング熱、チクングニヤ熱などを媒介するヒトスジシマカ、ネッタイシマカなどの蚊のコントロールについて (30分)
        庄野 美徳 先生 (住友化学株式会社)
    ③ ラオスの農村におけるデング感染状況の調査 (10分)
        中谷 逸作 先生 (関西医大公衆衛生学 デングプログラム マネージャー)
    ④ バリにおける蚊媒介性感染症調査の結果;京都における蚊の発生調査の結果 (60分)
        吉川みな子、益田岳 (西渕科研基盤S - 蚊媒介性感染症研究グループメンバー)
    ⑤ 蚊の調査に関する四方山話 (30分)
        水田 英生 先生 (神戸検疫所)
  5. 問い合わせ先:中口義次(CSEAS)
  1. 下記のとおり、京都大学東南アジア研究所が担当する京都大学生存基盤科学研究ユニット京滋フィールドステーション事業(滋賀サイト型機動研究「在地と都市がつくる循環型社会再生のための実践型地域研究」)の研究会を開催致しますので、興味のある方はご参加ください。
  2. 日 時:平成23年1月28日(金)16:00~19:00
  3. 場 所: 守山フィールドステーション
  4. 発表者:近藤紀章(滋賀県立大学地域づくり教育研究センター 特定研究員)
  5. 発表タイトル:「いくつもの湖北をめざして ~湖北地域における移住・交流のとりくみ~」
  6. 発表要旨:滋賀県湖北地域は、過疎高齢化によって人口減少が進み、地域をかたちづくる基礎的な機能を維持することさえ困難な集落と予備軍と呼べる集落が数多く存在している。近年、こうした集落を中心に、田舎暮らし体験による来訪者との交流や移住者の受け入れによって、自立的な取り組みを促しつつ、活動を支援していくための仕組みづくりが積極的に行われている。
 G-COE 第34回パラダイム研究会「最終成果出版に向けて:第4巻の構想」
  1. 日 時:平成23年1月24日(月)16:00-18:00
  2. 場 所: 京都大学稲盛財団記念館3F 小会議室Ⅱ
  3. 趣 旨:
  4. 報告者
 International Seminar on Radically Envisioning a Different Southeast Asia: From a Non-State Perspective
  1. This workshop addresses to what extent Southeast Asia can be reconceptualized, researched, and rewritten, from a non-state-centered perspective. The principal aim of the workshop will be to seek a radically different epistemological approach by taking the state out of Southeast Asia. Professor James C. Scott (Yale University), who recently published The Art of Not Being Governed (2009) will also participate.
  2. The nation-state-centered perspective has long generated a center-periphery dichotomy in the territory of the state, presupposing the spatially uneven expansion of the nation. The geo-ecological juxtaposition between hills and plains, has for instance, laid the basis for a societal model reinforcing stark differences between these two niches in terms of their political and economic status, agricultural modes, social mobility, civilization’s worldviews, religion, and kinship systems.
  3. In this conventional binary view on Southeast Asia, the upland tends to be a fixed passive periphery vis-à-vis river-mouth state formations. This dichotomous model is an archetypal case of “lived essentialism” in Southeast Asian scholarship (Scott 1999) and is regarded as problematic, as this simplifying narrative neglects regional complementarity and dynamism constraining scholarly analysis.
  4. What is the proto-typical social formation of Southeast Asia, where cultural plurality, ecological diversity, and economic development predominates beyond the confines of the state? Recent scholarship on Southeast Asia has suggested that a state-centered view often fails to investigate the dynamic responses emanating from the periphery and influencing the center as well as active agents on the ground. The understanding of upland-lowland interaction requires an alternative framework, which goes beyond a one-way diffusionist treatment of power.
  5. The turn of the century has seen newly emergent scholarship in search of a radically different Southeast Asian social formation that emphasizes “non-state space”, “border zone,” “hill-plain continuum,” “colonial arc,” and “Southeast Asian massif.” These concepts on the spatial configurations of Southeast Asia all pose fundamental questions on the ways in which ethnographies and historiographies of Southeast Asia have been produced and will be tackled in our workshop.
  6. 日 時:平成23年1月18日(火)-19日(水)
  7. 場 所:京都大学稲盛財団記念館3階大会議室
  8. 共催:Asian Connections: Southeast Asian Model for Co-Existence in the 21st Century Asian CORE Program, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science/ Planted Forests in Equatorial Southeast Asia: Human-nature Interactions in High Biomass Society Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S)/ In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa, Global COE Program, Kyoto University,
  9. プログラム:PDF
 International Seminar on Rural Social Structure in Vietnam at Hanoi
  1. This is an announcement of an International Seminar on "Structure and Dynamics of Village Community in Vietnam" at Hanoi in the coming January 2011, jointly organized by Hanoi Agricultural University, Collaborative Research on 'Comparative Study on Rural Social Structure in Asia' in the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University (Leader: Dr. Masayuki Yanagisawa, Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University), and the Initiative 1 of Kyoto University G-COE Program 'In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa'.
  2. 日 時:平成23年1月6日(木)
  3. 場 所: Hanoi Paradise Hotel (Hanoi City, Vietnam)
  4. プログラム:
  5.  Koichi Fujita (Kyoto University), “Rural Social Structure in Asia in Comparative Perspective”
    10:10-10:40 Discussions
  6.  Yoshihiro Sakane (Hiroshima University), “Family and Kinship System in Vietnam”
    11:40-12:10 Discussions
    12:10-13:30 Lunch
  7.  Takashi Okae (Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan),
  8.  “Discussing Vietnamese Village Based on Yumio Sakurai’s Book ‘The Formation of Vietnamese Village' and others”
    14:30-15:30 Discussions
    15:30-16:00 Business Meeting
    Other participants:
  9.  Masato Hiwatari (Hokkaido University),
  10.  Kei Kajisa (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies),
  11.  Satoru Kobayashi (Kyoto University),
  12.  Akihiko Ohno (Aoyama Gakuin University),
  13.  Sumiaki Iwamoto (Tokyo Agricultural University),
  14.  Tamae Sugihara (Tokyo Agricultural University), and Huu Khanh and other participants from Hanoi Agricultural University.
  15. 問い合わせ先:藤田幸一(CSEAS)