- The 6th Southeast Asian Studies for Sustainable Humanosphere Research Seminar
- Date:平成25年1月28日(月) 14:00 - 16:00
- 場所:京都大学東南アジア研究所東南亭(稲盛財団記念201号室)
- スピーカー:Jafar Suryomenggolo(東南アジア研究所特定研究員)
- タイトル:In Search of the Living Archives: the Discursive and Historical Formation
of Archives
- 要旨:This talk shares some early observations on how archives are kept, guarded,
and utilized for the purposes of historical research in our modern times.
It will draw upon, and is based on my field experiences in Indonesia and
the Netherlands. In both societies, there are differences in terms of the
socio-cultural attitudes towards archives. While acknowledging this factor
in shaping the institutional development of the archives in the nation's
collective memories, this presentation highlights the discursive formation
of the archives as a living memory.
- CSEAS Colloquium
- 日時:平成25年1月24日(木)16:00 -
- 場所:京都大学稲盛財団記念館3階中会議室(332号室)
- スピーカー:Prof. Yeonsik Jeong(東南アジア研究所招へい外国人学者).
- タイトル:Vietnamese Students in Tokyo, 1905-1909
- 要旨:April 1905 Phan Bội Châu (潘佩珠) set foot in Japan in search of ways to modernize
his homeland Vietnam. He was introduced by Liang Qichao (梁啓 超) to a number
of Japanese politicians and intellectuals, who in unison recommended to
set up a long-term plan and to start it with the education of young promising
people who would eventually become the key in executing the plan. Phan
promptly began recruiting young students across the country and arranged
to have over 200 (possibly up to 300) Vietnamese youths including Prince
Cường Để (彊柢) study in Japan. This is the ‘Go East Movement’ (Phong Trào
Đông Du, 東遊運動). The movement came to an abrupt end in 1909 as the Japanese
government accepted the French demand that all Vietnamese be expelled from
Japan. Scholarly attention has so far been given mostly onto Phan Bội Châu
(潘佩珠) and Cường Để (彊柢) with few researches on the Vietnamese students
regarding who they were, what they learned and did in Japan, and what contributions
they made to their motherland. It is not unreasonable to assume that they
could have composed a group of elites with binding experiences. It is quite
likely that they could have played significant roles at least in bridging
Vietnam with Japan. Moreover, the time they spent in Japan coincides with
the so-called democratic period of Japan (1901-1910) during which Japanese
thinkers and activists fiercely participated in ideological competition.
Inquisitive and motivated students could well have been exposed to the
competing political thoughts. It was also this period in which Tokyo hosted
thousands of students and political exiles from neighboring countries including
the Philippines and Indonesia. These expatriates were actively engaged
in building up solidarity among themselves for the common cause of anti-imperialist
struggle. It is possible to assume that the Vietnamese students were invited
to join the movement. These circumstances and possibilities suggest that
it is worthwhile to reconstruct the past with the Vietnamese students at
the center.
- International Workshop: Authoritarian State, Weak State, Environmental
State? Contradictions of Power and Authority in Laos
- 日時:平成25年1月18 - 19日
- 場所:京都大学稲盛財団記念館3階小会議室 II(331号室)
- Summary:Laos is undergoing a boom or, more accurately, several booms. As well as
being the destination for frontier market investors-- especially from regional
powers China, Thailand and Vietnam -- the country is attracting increasing
attention from scholars, development agencies, non-government organizations
and the popular media, interested in the social, economic, ecological,
and geo-political consequences of resource-led development. These actors
are engaged in differentiated interventions in the nexus between the Lao
state, nature and environmental resources, and rural communities (that
is, politics, space, and population). Yet, they appear to hold widely differing
ideas about how state power and authority works in Laos and how the Lao
political field might be transforming. This workshop asks how we night
make sense of such varied understandings of power and authority in Laos,
and how this can inform a broader assessment of the histories and politics
of development in the country.
- Conveners:
- Simon Creak (CSEAS and Hakubi Project)
- Keith Barney (Australian National University, formerly CSEAS)
- Participants and papers:The two days of the workshop will include fourteen papers in six sessions,
including twelve by international and Japan-based visitors. A discussant
(one of the participants) will respond to each paper before opening the
floor for discussion. In addition, CSEAS Visiting Fellow, Grant Evans,
will provide reflections at the conclusion of day 2.
- Program:PDF
- Concept Note:PDF
- API セミナー
- 日時:平成25年1月18日(金)16:00-18:00
- 場所:京都大学稲盛財団記念館3階小会議室 I (330号室)
- チラシ:PDF
- 発表者1: Benigno C. Balgos Program Head Research, Knowledge and Management, Center
for Disaster Preparedness
- タイトル:“Philippines as the 7/11 (Convenience Store) of Disasters: Capacity Gaps
and Prospects toward Risk Reduction”
- 要旨:The Philippines is located in the Typhoon Belt. With that, 21 typhoons
are annually passing through and hitting several parts of the country.
In 2012, the Philippines’ Capital Region was inundated to floodwaters due
to the unnamed monsoon. Concurrently, before 2012 ends, tropical storm
Pablo devastated various parts of Southern Philippines. Both events left
thousands of people homeless and hopeless. The lecture showcases moving
images of the two disasters. Also, drawing from research of 19 local government
units all over the Philippines, the lecture highlights the capacity gaps
and prospects for disaster risk reduction in the Philippines.
- 発表者2:Ekoningtyas Margu Wardani, PhD Researcher, Institute of Cultural Anthropology
and Development Sociology, Leiden University
- タイトル:“Living in the 'borderland' : the dilemma of social dynamics and food security
for forest-dependent people in Indonesia”
- 要旨: The lecture will sharpen the view of the problems minority groups face
and systematize how the global mega trend of rapid growth development process
in Indonesia might impact these marginalized group. In light of that, I
will endeavor to present the dilemma of the social dynamics of Orang Rimba
(forest-dependent people) in Jambi Province (Indonesia), in which has a
massive influences from the development process. The lecture intends to
examine the extent to which indigenous knowledge has affected and influenced
the wave of modernization and national development to their food security
- 第2回CSEAS・JBIC共催セミナー
- 日時:平成25年1月17日(木) 14:00 - 15:30
- 場所:京都大学東南アジア研究所共同棟4階セミナー室(409号室)
- 報告者:スドラジャット・ジワンドノ氏(南洋工科大学(シンガポール)教授、1997年アジア金融危機時のインドネシア中央銀行総裁)
- 論題: インドネシアの持続的成長への展望―アジア危機前とは違うのか?
- 言語:英語
- 要旨:リーマンショックの後、欧州ソブリン債務危機が深刻化するなか、先進国が軒並 み景気低 迷を続ける一方、アジアの新興・開発途上国は比較的高い成長を維持
しています。とりわけ人口規模が大きく、天然資源が豊富なインドネシアは、 活発な資本流入を伴う消費主導の好景気を続けています。しかしながら、インド
ネシアは、2014年の総選挙・大統領選挙へ向けて政治の季節を 迎えつつあるた め、景気拡 大に歯止めがかからず過熱化し、いずれマクロ経済の不安定化に至
るリスクが懸念されます。特に、先進諸国が超金融緩和政策を進めるなか、イン ドネシアへの 旺盛な資本流入がバブルを招くリスクはないのか、今回はシンガ
ポール南洋工科大学S・ラジャラトナ ム国際問題研究大学院のスドラジャッド・ ジワンドノ教授(元インドネシア中央銀行総裁)をお招きし、アジ ア通貨
- 照会先:東南アジア研究所 三重野(mieno-lab@cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp)
- Rachel Carson’s ‘Silent Spring’, published in 1962, created a huge interest
among public of environmental pollution associated with pesticide use.
Since then, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) was widely proposed and adopted
as National Policy in many countries. IPM is not only restricted in agricultural
sectors, but also broadly practiced in non-agricultural setting, such as
human living spaces. However, the implementation of such practice is limited,
particularly in SE Asia. Today, the conceptual efforts in promoting the
sustainability in societies is at the forefront, IPM has to be seen as
one of the important component in shaping today’s society. Here, we are
glad to invite 3 scholar guests who have been actively promoting IPM in
SE Asia to talk on this timely topic. We would very much welcome your attendance.
- 日時:平成25年1月17日(木) 13:30 - 17:30
- 場所:京都大学東南アジア研究所東棟1階会議室
- オーガナイザー:Kok-Boon NEOH(東南アジア研究所特定研究員)
- 発表者と要旨: PDF
- International Workshop on Global Powers and Local Resources in Southeast
Asia: Impact of International Forces on Local Society and Environment
- Since mid-2000s, the inflow of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has increased
monumentally in Southeast Asia. The total FDI inflow to the region grew
from US$28.2 billion in 1995 to US$41.1 billion in 2005, reaching US$76.2
billion in 2010.
- This fast and dramatic increase has spurred foreign-invested businesses
in a wide range of sectors: from mining and quarrying to agriculture, fisheries,
forestry, manufacturing, trade, financial services and real estate. The
growth of these business activities had direct impact on local people and
natural resources, and as such directly affected local societies and environment
giving rise to numerous conflicts.
- The fervour in which foreign capital to Southeast Asia is being pursued
today has resulted in central governments as well as local political and
social actors to directly collaborate and negotiate with foreign players
including multi-national companies, international NGOs, and the governments
of consuming countries.
- How have these international forces played a role in social and environmental
changes in Southeast Asia? How do the relationships among foreign players,
power brokers and businesses at national and local levels have an impact
on the local society and environment as a whole?
- The workshop aims to discuss the political and social dynamics of foreign-venture
businesses having direct impact on local people and natural resources as
well as the impact on local society and environment in Southeast Asia from
local, national and global perspectives.
- The participants will present a paper each, which will be compiled as articles
in a special edition of CSEAS academic journal Southeast Asian Studies
by the end of 2013 as a final output of the workshop.
- 日時:平成25年1月17日(木) 9:00 - 12:40
- 場所:京都大学稲盛財団記念館3階小会議室 Ⅱ (331号室)
- オーガナイザー:森下明子(東南アジア研究所特定研究員)
- モデレーター:Jafar Suryomenggolo(東南アジア研究所特定研究員)
- プログラム: PDF
- International Workshop: Disaster and the City: Historical Perspectives
from the Philippines, Indonesia and Japan, 1945-2011
- 日時:平成25年1月16日(水) 9:00 - 17:45
- 場所:京都大学東南アジア研究所東南亭
- オーガナイザー:Loh Kah Seng(東南アジア研究所特定研究員)
- プログラム: PDF