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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University




  1. 日 時:2003年10月31日(金) 14:00-15:30
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究センター東棟・E207
  3. 演 題:Indonesian migrant workers in Japan
  4. 講 師:Ms. Haning Romdiati, Research Center for Population, Indonesian Institute of Science
  5. 要 旨:
    The high demand for industry workers in Japan, and on the other hand, the surplus labor economy currently being experienced Indonesia, has been the catalyst for the phenomenal increase in overseas migrant workers coming to Japan. Indonesian migrant workers generally fill the labor market niches where they do not compete with Japanese workers. Revised Japanese Immigration law of 1990, however, only allows the entry of foreigner's employment in high skill jobs, with the exception of foreign trainees who mostly engage in unskilled jobs. Consequently, there are many foreign illegal workers, including those coming from Indonesia. This fact, clearly contribute to many problems, both in terms of immigration and to human rights issues. The human rights issues, even faced not only by those working illegally but also those trainee with actually protected by Japanese labor law.
    The seminar will briefly discuss the result study of current situation of Indonesian migrant workers in Japan (which based on finding from various cases studied) and problem faced by them.
  6. 連絡先:水野広祐(京都大学東南アジア研究センター)
限界地域における小規模生業・自然資源管理の改善のための新たな手法 −アジアモンスーン地域の経験−
  1. 日 時:2003年10月29日(水)〜30日(木)
  2. 場 所:
    (〒150-8925 東京都渋谷区神宮前5-53-70 )
    (交通案内 http://www.unu.edu/hq/japanese/access/index.html)
  3. 要 旨:
    CSEAS, in collaboration with United Nations University and Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS), will organize an International Symposium on Alternative Approaches to Enhancing Small-Scale Livelihoods and Natural Resources Management in Marginal Areas -Experience in Monsoon Asia- on 29-30 October, 2003 at United Nations University in Tokyo.
    You can see the detail of the symposium at the following URL
    http://www.unu.edu/env/plec/events/marginal-areas-conceptnote.html (in English)
    http://www.unu.edu/hq/japanese/PLEC/index2003.html (in Japanese)
    You are cordially invited to join us.
Special Seminarのお知らせ
  1. 日 時:2003年10月27日(月) 15:00-17:00
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究センター・東棟E207
  3. 講 師:Dr. Yunita T. Winarto, CSEAS Visiting Fellow
  4. 演 題:Agricultural Evolution through Integrated Pest Management? A comparative perspective from Indonesia, Cambodia, and Vietnam
  5. 要 旨:
    The Integrated Pest Management program produced a significant change in the farming culture in Indonesia where it was introduced in 1990s. The program aimed to shift the farmers' paradigm in growing food crops 'with pesticides' into growing a 'healthy crop' on the basis of an agro-ecosystem analysis. Not only a prominent change in knowledge and strategies has occurred among the IPM farmers, but also farmers' empowerment in decision-making and self-governance. "Farmers` Science" (Sains Petani) has been developed elsewhere on the basis of their needs and problems. Even though the formation of an `IPM culture` among various farming communities is still underway, there is an indication of an evolutionary change within farmers` knowledge and practices. On the other hand, some internal and external constraints affected farmers` efforts in implementing and disseminating the new farming knowledge and strategies.
    The introduction of the similar program in Asian countries, including Cambodia and Vietnam in 1990s also leads to a similar result, e.g. enhancing farmers` knowledge and improving farming practices. However, different countries, agricultural conditions, policies, and cultures-to some extents-may lead to differences in the ways the program was implemented, or on the advancement the farmers experienced. My paper will examine the extent to which similarities and differences occur among rice farmers in Indonesia, Cambodia, and Vietnam after learning IPM; what the contextual factors contributing to such similarities and differences are; and to what extent an evolutionary change does occur within farmers` knowledge and practices. A discussion of the comparative method and conceptual tools that could enrich the human ecological research and analysis in Southeast Asian region will also be presented.
東南アジアの自然と農業研究会 - 第112回定例研究会
第112回定例研究会を開催いたします。今回は、東京医科歯科大学の梅崎 昌裕 氏に下記の内容で報告していただきます。多くの方の参加をお待ちしております。
  1. 日 時:2003月10月17日(金) 16:00〜18:00
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究センター・東棟E207
  3. 話題提供者: 梅崎昌裕(東京医科歯科大学)
  4. 話 題: 「パプアニューギニア高地におけるサツマイモ耕作の変容」
  5. 要 旨:
  6. 問い合わせ先:
  1. 日 時:2003年10月17日(金) 10:00〜16:00
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究センター東棟E207
  3. 講師・演題:
    1. Tetsuya Araki (Nihon University)
      - Putting the First Last - Networking NGOs in Indonesia
    2. Wimonrart Issarathumnoon (Chulalongkorn University)
      - Kyoto with her townspeople
    3. Hui Seng Kin (SUARAM, Malaysia)
      - Civil Society in Dam Decision-making in Japan:
      an Observation
    4. Joyce Lim Suan Li (Choreographer, Malaysia)
      - On the development of Contemporary Dance
      in the Philippines and Indonesia
    5. Fumio Nagai (Osaka City University)
      - Transformation of Political Structure in Decentralization
      in Thailand: the case of the Hangchat District,
      Lampang Provice, Thailand
    6. Rachel Pastores Corro(Integrated Bar of the Philippines)
      - The Impact of Globalization to Migrant Workers
      in Japan in the Areas of Employment and
      Labor Standards: An Analysis of Migration Policies,
      Strategies and Approaches
    7. Nareerat Leelawat (Thammasat University)
      - Negotiating of Identity in "Manga"
    8. Tatsuki Kataoka (Kyushu University)
      - Changing Identities of the Hill Tribes in Contemporary
      Thailand: My Research Activities in Thailand
  4. 連絡先:Naoko Maeno
Special seminar of "State, Market and Community Study Group"のお知らせ
  1. 日 時:2003年10月14日(火) 14:00-16:00
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究センター・東棟E207
  3. 演 題:「インドネシア国軍改革とその障害」
  4. 講 師:Dr. Ikrar Nusa Bhakti, インドネシア学術院政治研究センター所長
  5. 要 旨:
    Since the fall of President Soeharto in 1998, the Indonesian military has started its internal reform. They introduced the so-called new paradigm, which among other things, the military would withdraw from day to day politics and their principles of dual functions. However, five years after, it seems that the Indonesian military is still a political army who does not want to accept civilian supremacy upon the military. For example, the chief commander of the Indonesian Armed Forces does not want to be under the civilian minister of defense, the military head quarter in Cilangkap is also still independent from the Department of Defense.
    Although there will be no military representatives in the central and local parliaments and also in the government bureaucracies in 2004, except in the government institutions related to defense affairs (such as Defense Ministry and State Coordinating Ministry for Social and Political Affairs), it is a fact that active and retired military officers still maintain their influences in politics. In some cases the military are still able to push the government on policies related to security matters, such as the government policy on the conflict areas in Aceh, Papua and Maluku.
    Apart from that the military has not reformed its institution, doctrines and their culture and behavior.
    There are some impediments to internal military reform, either from external environment or from internal the military.
    The seminar will exchange of ideas on what is the purpose of military reform in Indonesia and why it has been difficult to be materialized.
JSPS Special Seminarのお知らせ
−The Dynamics of Flows and Movements in Southeast Asia
  1. 日 時:2003年10月10日(金) 10:30〜12:30
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究センター東棟E207
  3. 演題・講師:
    ”Flows and Interactions: The Saga of an Emigrant Chinese Family”
      Wu Xiao An,
      Department of History, Beijing University

    ”Crossborder Dayak Identities: Cases among transnational Iban and Kenyah communities in the Sarawak-Kalimantan borderlands”
      Dave Lumenta,
      Research Institute for Institutional Development,University of Indonesia
  4. 連絡先:石川登(東南アジア研究センター)
「東南アジアにおけるセーフティ・ネットの比較研究−「老い」の問題を中心として」 − インドネシア調査に関するワークショップ
「東南アジアにおけるセーフティ・ネットの比較研究−「老い」の問題を中心として」 科研は、昨年度、インドネシアの2カ村における調査を実施し、本年度はベトナムにおける調査を予定しています。
  1. 日 時:2003年10月7日(火) 15:30〜18:30
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究センター東棟・E207
  3. 報告者:
    Dr.Ekawati Wahyuni(ボゴール農業大学女性研究センター所長)
  4. 皆様の積極的なご参加をお待ちしています。
  5. 連絡先:水野広祐 東南アジア研究センター