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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University




Special Seminarのお知らせ
  1. 日 時:2004年5月28日(金) 15:30〜17:00
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所・東棟E207
  3. 演 題:Aspects of Bangkok's Growth in the 19th and 20th Centuries
  4. 講 師: Dr. Porphant Ouyyanont, Associate Professor School of Economics, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand and CSEAS visiting research fellow
  5. 要 旨:
    Bangkok holds a distinct place in urban history. The city grew from a traditional dynastic foundation in 1782 to the modern primate "megalopolis"of today, and did so outside the nexus of the typical "metropolitan-colonial" structure which existed elsewhere in Asia. We can trace Bangkok's growth through three phases: a royal fortified city based on tribute; a commercial port growing through trade and immigration; and an industrial urban center based on cheap labor. Crucial in the process were three factors: (1) Bangkok's role as a government center, (2) the overall growth of Thailand's population, and (3) the physical development of Bangkok from a city based on water (river and canals) to one based on land. Key periods of transformation occurred in two particular periods, roughly from 1890 to1920, and again from around 1960-1980s.
    The paper focuses upon the origins of Bangkok's emergence as a leading Thai city from the early 19th century. A key theme is to account for the transformation of Bangkok from a port- city dominated by Chinese migrants to a manufacturing center based on cheap labor. It is suggested that demographic change from the 1950s transformed the economy from one where indigenous labor was relatively expensive to one where it was relatively cheap.
Special Seminarのお知らせ
  1. 日 時:2004年5月24日(月) 16:00〜
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所・共同棟C409
  3. 演 題:"Translations of Antisemitism: Jews, the Chinese, and Violence in Colonial and Postcolonial Indonesia."
  4. 講 師:Dr. Jeffrey Hadler, Assistant Professor, Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A.
  5. 要 旨:
    Scholars have assumed that Indonesian antisemitism is a case of "antisemitism without Jews"; that current anti-Jewish rhetoric is borrowed from Middle Eastern anti-Zionist propaganda. This viewpoint is limited. I analyze the history and role of the Jewish community during the period of Dutch colonialism in the East Indies. I assess the position of both Dutch and "oriental" Jews in the economic and social life of the colony, discussing the role of Zionism and imperial antisemitism, and paying particular attention to the interactions of the Jews and the "native" Indonesians. Indies Jewry cut across official colonial categories, with Dutch, Arab, Chinese, and even native congregants. The community maintained a Zionist newspaper, "Erets Israel," that was published from 1926 until the Japanese occupation. Jews met in the one synagogue in Surabaya, and held services in Masonic Lodges and Theosophical Halls (two other groups reviled by conspiracy theorists today). In post-Soeharto Indonesia there has been a revival of antisemitism, an effort to equate political "reformasi" and Zionism and then fury at American (and therefore Israeli) actions in the Middle East. I attempt to trace connections between antisemitic discourse and anti-minority violence in Indonesia generally, reading antisemitic discourse as a veiled substitution for more familiar bigotries outlawed publicly by Soeharto's SARA laws.
  1. 日 時:2004年5月21日(金) 16:00〜18:00
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所・東棟E207
  3. 話題提供者:原田真理子(広島大学大学院)
  4. タイトル:天国への道―タイ東南部カトリック教徒の信仰・実践―
  5. 要 旨:
  6. *この研究会は原則として奇数月の第三金曜日に開催されます(ただし今回は第四金曜日)。7月は夏休みとし、研究会は開催しません。研究会の案内はメールを通じて行っています。お知り合いの方、とくに学部生・院生・若手研究者に、このメールを転送するなどして、案内リストへの参加をお勧めいただければ幸いです。
  7. 「東南アジアの社会と文化」研究会のホームページです。ご参照ください。
  8. 世話人:
    杉島 敬志(京大大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科)
    林 行夫(京大東南アジア研究所)
  9. 事務局:長津一史(京大大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科) / 速水洋子(京大東南アジア研究所)
Intellectual Discourses of Southeast Asian Studies
Co-sponsored by the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Bangk Liaison Office and theAsian Scholarship Foundation (Bangkok)
  1. 日 時:2004年5月7日〜8日
  2. 場 所:バンコク連絡事務所
  3. 要 旨:
    The Workshop on Intellectual Discourses of Southeast Asian Studies (I) will bring together 10 to 12 intellectuals at a one-day meeting in Bangkok, Thailand, to discuss the present and future of Southeast Asian studies in the region. Participants will include representatives of different areas of expertise from academia, foundations, and cultural groups, with a balance sought between well-established and younger people. The workshop will begin an assessment that will continue in the participants’ home countries and intellectual communities. The objective of the process will be to generate:
    • self-reflective intellectual discourse about the state of Southeast Asian studies (broadly conceived) that will feed into a coherent regional discourse;
    • concrete suggestions for the future of Southeast Asian studies by Asians in Asia;
    • recommendations for consolidating regional initiatives to date with the establishment of an organization for Southeast Asian studies in the region.