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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University




Special Seminar のお知らせ
  1. 日 時:2004年9月27日(月) 16:00〜18:00
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所 東棟2階セミナー室(E207)
  3. 発表者:Dr. Nguyen Van Viet, Associate Professor, Vietnam Agricultural Science Institute and CSEAS Visiting Research Fellow
  4. 演 題:"Efficient Management of Natural Resources for Sustaining Agriculture in the Sloping Land of Northern Vietnam by participatory Watershed Research and Application"
  5. 要 旨:
    More then eighty five percents of land areas in North Vietnam are considered as sloping land. Current production practices cause soil loss and destruction as the soils are deeply weathered, poor in nutrient, and highly vulnerable to erosion.
    From 1999 to 2002 a participatory watershed research and application was carried out in Thanh Ha farm, Kim Boi district, Hoa Binh province. The main aim of the research was firstly to introduce improved soil, water and nutrient management technologies and secondly to evaluate suitable cropping systems for efficient use of natural resources. The approach we have taken was to ensure maximum participation of farmers in planning and execution of all activities. Various measures for the movement of water, soil, and nutrition have been undertaken. As a result, we found that there was about 25-30 cm increase in the groundwater level in the benchmark watershed wells compared to those outside the watershed. In addition application of polyethylene mulch resulted in doubling the groundnut yield. Application of the improved practice has resulted in increasing of 8% in yield of maize with the reduction of 28% in using nitrogen fertilizer. Large scale on-farm demonstrations were conducted with improved varieties of soybean, groundnut and watermelon. Farmers were highly impressed with the legumes crop and showed interest in planting the crops in large scale plantation with more than 50% of the total land area.
    Thus, watershed based integrated natural resources management technologies has offered opportunities for crop diversification, improving soil health and ground water and reducing the soil erosion and land degradation in major sloping land of northern Vietnam.
  1. 日 時:2004年9月17日(金) 16:00〜18:00
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所 共同棟3階講義室(C307)
  3. 話題提供者:川上崇(京都大学大学院)
  4. タイトル:ベトナムの伝統的祭礼の復活に関する一考察-バックニン省トゥアンタイン県の一村落の事例から
  5. 要 旨:
  6. *この研究会は原則として奇数月の第三金曜日に開催されます(ただし今回は第四金曜日)。7月は夏休みとし、研究会は開催しません。研究会の案内はメールを通じて行っています。お知り合いの方、とくに学部生・院生・若手研究者に、このメールを転送するなどして、案内リストへの参加をお勧めいただければ幸いです。
  7. 「東南アジアの社会と文化」研究会のホームページです。ご参照ください。
  8. 世話人:
    杉島 敬志(京大大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科)
    林 行夫(京大東南アジア研究所)
  9. 事務局:長津一史(京大大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科) / 速水洋子(京大東南アジア研究所)
  1. 日 時:2004年9月6日(月)〜10日(金)
  2. 場 所:京都大学東南アジア研究所・東棟E207