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Center forSoutheast Asian Studies Kyoto University



ディアス・プラダディマラ (外国人研究員)
History, Social Change, Local Politics



My first research interest, which also what I am currently working on, is the issue of land tenure in Tana Toraja in the upland of South Sulawesi. I just completed the first stage of the field survey in the region and am planning to work on the results of that survey. This issue is a part of my larger research interest in the agrarian relations in rural South Sulawesi. To understand better of the issue, I find it useful to also conducting a research on the political economy of commodity production (i.e. shrimp and cocoa) in South Sulawesi, which I have been doing in the last year. Another, and related, research interest is on local politics in South Sulawesi with particular attention given to the aristocrat and the emerging (Islamic) middle class.


Lecturer at the History Department, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia (1998 to present)

Researcher at Pusat Kajian Indonesia Timur [Center for Eastern Indonesian Studies], Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia (2001 to present)


  1. "Mempertimbangkan Ulang Penulisan Sejarah Indonesia" ["Reconsidering Re-Writing Indonesian Histories"] Vidyakarya (Banjarmasin), October, 2005
  1. "Aristocrats and the Rise of Neo-Tradisionalism in New Order South Sulawesi" A Paper presented at the "Jurnal Antropologi Indonesia" International Conference, Jakarta, July 2005
  1. (with Basiah), "Kalau Sultan Berbelanja: Di Balik Panggung Kekuasaan Kesultanan Bone di Akhir Abad ke-18" ["When the Sultan Went Shopping: Behind the Stage of the Bone Sultanate at the End of the 18th Century"], Mozaik.(Surabaya), 3, 1, 2005
  1. "Democracy Comes to Rural Indonesia? Notes from the 2004 General Election in South Sulawesi" A Paper presented at the Center for International Studies, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, April 2005
  1. "Participatory Development and Regional Autonomy in Indonesia" A Paper presented at the American Association of Asian Studies Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois, March 2005
  1. "Dari Makassar ke Makassar: Proses 'Etnisisasi' Sebuah Kota" [From Makassar to Makassar: "Ethniziation" Processes of A City"], in Dias Pradadimara and Muslimin A. R. Effendy (eds.) Kontinuitas dan Perubahan dalam Sejarah Sulawesi Selatan [Continuity and Change in the History of South Sulawesi].,Yogyakarta: Penerbit Ombak, 2004
  1. (editor, with Muslimin A. R. Effendy) Kontinuitas dan Perubahan dalam Sejarah Sulawesi Selatan [Continuity and Change in the History of South Sulawesi].,Yogyakarta: Penerbit Ombak, 2004
  1. "Masyarakat Berpindah: Perubahan Sosial-Politik, Mobilitas Penduduk, dan Pengosongan Pedesaan di Sulawesi Selatan" ["People in Motion: Socio-Political Change, Population Mobility, and Village Abandonement"], Jurnal Populasi Padjadjaran (Bandung), June, 2004