I am presently working on the nature and pattern of south Indian labour
migrations on Southeast Asian Countries in the 19-20th centuries. My study
primarily deals with the process of historical formation of immigrant labouring
communities and classes in the non-organized and unregulated sectors of
employment in these countries. The historical context of the western imperialist
territorial and commercial expansion in the late nineteenth century created
opportunities for large-scale emigration of south Indian labourers through
push and pull factors. The growth of transport and communication facilities
between Burma and Malaya and the east-coast of south India as well as the
increasing demand for manual labour in the agrarian and urban economies
of these countries had brought successive waves of south Indian immigrants.
This study seeks to develop a comprehensive theory on migration and settlement
patterns and a migration paradigm. provide a historical and sociological
account of the immigrant labor communities from the southeastern coast
of India in Burma and Malaysia and also to provide a systematic and comparative
analysis of the actual causes and motivation for emigration. In the existing
studies only a general description of the reasons for emigration is given
in terms of “push” and “pull” or supply and demand factors. Most studies
on emigration lack an analytical perspective and fail to link up specific
events and specific groups of migrants as well as the areas of origin.
provide a detailed description of the evolution of migratory process through
various stages between 1871 and 1982 as well as to discusses the changing
ethnic and racial relations and socio-cultural interaction between the
south Indian Immigrants and native people of Burma and Malaysia. The plural
societies of Southeast Asian countries did not remain static and unchanging
throughout the period under study. Changing migration pattern and growth
of competition led to intensive ethnic and inter-racial hostility and antagonism.
The onset of world economic depression in the 1930’s witnessed great socio-political
turmoil in Burma. Anti-Indian and Anti-Telugu (Coringhee) Riots broke out
in Burma in the 1930’s and in Malaysia in the 1960’s. This study aims to
provide a detailed account of the changing relations between the natives
and immigrants.My study seeks to examine the socio-economic and caste-community
background of the immigrant community through a detailed analysis of Census
data and other relevant statistical material. The structure and function
of Maistry/Kangany system, labor intermediaries, caste-clan networks in
labor recruitment and employment, wages and working and living conditions
of Telugu Immigrant laborers in Burma and Malaysia during the period under
consideration will be discussed. The phenomenon of Maistry/ Kangany and
other mediate forms of labor organization, recruitment etc., require specification
and elaboration. In this study a comparative perspective would be offered
with regard to the nature of labor intermediaries.My study also aims to
analyse the process of identity formation among the immigrant communities
in the Southeast Asian countries. The distinct south Indian/telugu identity
in colonial Burma and Malaya was constructed and articulated through the
discourses of various socio-cultural and religious organizations. They
tended to foster cultural unity among the Telugu speaking communities cutting
across caste and class distinction. Language, kinship bonds, caste-community
affiliation and ancestral origin also became significant symbols for the
construction of a separate Telugu ethnic identity and consciousness. Several
telugu/south Indian associations were established mainly for the socio-cultural
and intellectual development. They also facilitated the preservation of
distinct culture and identity of the immigrants during the period under
Ph.D. (Modern Period) 1983 Department of History, South Asia Institute,
Heidelberg University, Germany.
M.Phil (Modern Indian History), 1979 Jawaharlal Nehru University, NewDelhi,
India.New Delhi, India.
M.A. (History) 1976 Osmania University, Hyderabad, India.
Since January 2000 - Professor, Department of History, Osmania University,
Hyderabad, India
January, 1992 -Jan 2000 - Associate Professor, Department of History, Osmania
University, Hyderabad, India.
Mar. 1989-Jan.1992 - Senior Lecturer, Department of History, Osmania University,
Hyderabad, India
Mar. 1984-Feb. 1989 - Lecturer, Department of History, Osmania University,
Hyderabad, India
Nov. 1979-Aug-1983 - Research Assistant, (Wissenschaftliche Hilfskrafte)
Department of History, South Asia Institute of Heidelberg University, Germany.
- Books
- A. Satyanarayana. 1991. Andhra Peasants Under British Rule, 1900-1940.
New Delhi, India: Manohar Publishers. ISBN 81-85425-06-X.
- A. Satyanarayana. (Co-Ed.) 1994-2002. the Proceedings Seven(7) Volumes
of the Departmental Research Support Scheme of University Grants Commission,
New Delhi. Hyderabad, India: the Department of History, Osmania University.
- A. Satyanarayana. (Co-Editor) 2004. Retrieving The Past: The History and
Culture of Telangana, Hyderabad. India.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. 2004. The Role of German Christian Missionaries in
the Socio-Cultural Change in Modern Andhra, South India. InGlimpses of our Past-Historical Researches. edited by V. Kishan Rao. et.al. pp.346-356. Hyderabad, India.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. Oct. 2003. Ideology and consciousnessof Dalit-Bahujans
in Colonial Andhra,1842-1947. Paper presented at the National Conference
on Socio-Economic and Political Thought in India, 1850-1950. 27-29. New
Delhi, India.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. Jan. 2003. Against Social Imperialism. In Proceedings Volume of the Andhra Pradesh History Congress , Tirupati, India. pp.1-44.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. 2003. Some Aspects of the Modern History of Khammam
District. Osmania Journal of Social Sciences. 3(2), edited by K. Malla Redy.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. 2002. Birds of Passage. Migration of South Indian
Laborers to Southeast Asia. Critical Asian Studies. 34(1) pp.80-115 United Kingdom, Routledge: Glasgow.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. Feb. 2002. Migration of Telugu Coolies to Colonial
Burma, 1871-1947. Dr. Garikapati Rudrayya Chowdari Endowment Lecture-9.
pp.1-16. Ramachandrapuram, India.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. 2002. History and Culture of Karimnagar District.
In Satavahana: Essays on History, Culture and Literature. pp.74-78 edited by Sumita Dava.; and Laxman Rao. Karimnagar.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. 2002. Growth of Education Among the Dalit -Bahujan
Communities in Colonial Andhra. 1893-1947. In Education and Inequality: Caste, Class and Gender. pp. 50-84. edited by S. Bhattacharya. India.: Orient Longman Publishers.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. 2001. Caste and Entrepreneurship in Colonial Andhra,
South India, 1900-1947. In Explorations in the History of South Asia: Essays in Honor of Professor
Rothermund. G. Berkeheimer et al. pp. 43-257. New Delhi, India: Manohar Publishers.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. 2001. Swarajyam/Swatantryam: Dalit Visions of Freedom.
In Notions of History, Bangalore. edited by S. Chandrasekhar. India: Indian Council of Historical
Research Publication.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. Forthcoming. Plunder of India: British Economic Policies
and their Impact on the Indian Economy. In Comparative Studies in Imperialism and Nationalism in Africa and India, edited by Prem Narain and others. Kenya: Department of History, University
of Nairobi.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. 2002. Upper Caste Violence Against Dalits in Andhra
Pradesh, 1947-1985” In Development of Weaker Sections. edited by Ch. Subba Rao. and D. Francis. pp.193-205. Jaipur, India.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. 1999. Congress and the Anti-Feudal struggle in Colonial
Andhra (South India) 1923-39. In Agrarian India. edited by E.K.G. Nambiar. pp.187-214. Calicut, India,
- Adapa, Satynarayana. 1998. Dalit Identity and Consciousness in Colonial
Andhra, 1917-47. Vikalp 4(.2): 41-57. Bombay, India.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. Jan. 1998. We Are Choudaries: Caste Consciousness,
Identity and Solidarity Among the Kammas in Andhra Pradesh, 1910-1988.
(Summary) In Proceedings of the A.P. History Congress. Hyderabad, India.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. Oct.1997. Local Agrarian Societies in Colonial India:
Japanese Perspectives (Review Article). Journal of the Japanese Association for South Asian Studies .9: 138-146.Tokyo, Japan.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. 1997 A Note on Land, Caste and the "Settler"
in Telangana. In Telangana: Dimensions of Under Development. edited by Simhadri and Vishweshwar Rao. pp.30-34. Hyderabad, India.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. 1997. From Warriors to Landed Gentry: A note on the
Formation of Landlords in Andhra Desa In Agrarian Conditions in Andhra
Desa, 17th & 18th Centuries, A.D. R. Soma Reddy et al. pp.68-79. Hyderabad, India.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. 1995. Dalit Protest Literature in Telugu: A Historical
Perspective. In Economic And Political Weekly, 30(3): 71-75. Mumbai, India.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. 1994. Expansion of Commodity Production and Agrarian
Market. In Agrarian Production and Indian History. edited by David Ludden. pp.182-239. India: (Oxford in India Readings)
Oxford University Press.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. 1994. Caste and Class in Rural Andhra, 1947-1967:
A Historical Perspective. Caste and Class in India. edited by K.L. Sharma. pp. 67-84. Jaipur, India: Rawat Publishers.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. 1994. Popular Protest and The Quit India Movement
in Andhra. In Last Decade of India’s Freedom Struggle. edited by Kurup. pp.108-114. Trivandrum, India.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. 1994. Telugu Kalpanikavada Sahityam: Staniyatha, Jateeyatha
In Telugu Sahityam Charitraka Nepathyam (Telugu). edited by Chandrashekar Reddy. pp.139-153. Hyderabad, India.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. 1993. Land, Caste and Domination in Andhra Pradesh. Indian History Congress Proceedings Volume, 54th Session. pp.641-644. Mysore, India.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. 1993. Agrarian Legislation and the Peasantry in Colonial
Andhra, 1946-48. In Agrarian Transformation in Post-Independence India. edited by M. Kistaiah. pp.32-53. Delhi, India: Sterling Publishers.
- Adapa, Satynarayana.1993. Land Caste and Dominance in Telengana. Occasional
Paper No.67. pp.1-53. Delhi, India: Nehru Memorial Museum and Library.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. 1993. Industrialisation in Colonial Andhra 1914-47.
Occasional Paper No.66. pp.1-92. Delhi, India: Nehru Memorial Museum and
- Adapa, Satynarayana. 1991. Commercialization, Money Capital and the Peasantry
in Colonial Andhra 1900-1940. In South Indian Economy, edited by S. Bhattachaya. pp.53-77. Delhi, India: Oxford University Press.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. Jan. 1989. The Emergence of Agricultural Entrepreneurs
in Coastal Andhra 1932-1947: A Study of Sugar Industry. A.P. Economics Association Conference Papers. pp.38-55. Hyderabad, India.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. 1989.Landlord-Tenant Relations in Nellore District.
ITIHASA. 15(.2): 207-215. Hyderabad, India.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. Jan. 1988. Irrigation in Andhra Estates. A.P. Economics Association Conference Papers. pp.35-46. Hyderabad, India.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. Jan. 1986. The Rise and Growth of Left Movement in
Andhra, 1934-1939. Social Scientist. pp.34-47. Trivandrum, India.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. 1985. The Crisis of Zamindaris in Andhra, 1900-1941
in Studies in History. 1(1): 111-136. Delhi, India: Sage Publishers.
- Adapa, Satynarayana. 1983. The Andhra Provincial Zamindari Ryots Association,
1928-1942. ITIHASA. 11(1): 61-79. Hyderabad, India.
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