Farming Systems Development in Bangladesh -
A Comparative Study with Neighboring
Asian Countries
The Farming Systems Research approach in technology generation and refinement
has been proved as an effective means of system research and development.
In the agricultural development paradigm of Bangladesh the only unexplored
avenue is to Study Farming Systems Research to address farmers’ productivity
problem for sustainable development.
I, therefore, got myself involved, in the late 1980s, with a group of Japanese
Scholars who were conducting development studies of agriculture in rural
Bangladesh. Within that program I pursued Ph.D degree from the Division
of Tropical Agriculture in Kyoto University. I kept myself closely associated
with the same group that was conducting extended phase of study on Agricultural
and Rural Development in Bangladesh.
I also joined Asian Ecotechnology Network which was comprised of Bangladeshi,
Japanese, Indian, Thai and Vietnamese scholars who were interested to explore
farmers’ ecological knowledge and wisdom in fostering agricultural technologies.
I have collected some farming systems and local unique technologies when
the Network conducted data collection tours in Asian regions, including
Caveri Delta in South India, Mekong Delta in Vietnam and Northern Mountains
in Thailand in 1999 and 2000.
Through my extensive field work within and out side Bangladesh, I am encouraged
to compile all the data in my hand. During my stay in CSEAS, I will conduct
a study on Farming Systems Development in Bangladesh for sustainable agricultural
and rural development in comparative perspectives with few neighboring
countries in South and Southeast Asia.
a) Educational Background
Name of the University |
Academic Degree |
Year of award |
Field |
Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) |
B.Sc.Ag.(Hons.) |
1979 |
Agriculture |
M.Sc.(Ag.) in Agronomy |
1980 |
Agronomy |
Kyoto University, Japan |
Ph.D. |
1991 |
Tropical Agriculture |
b) Present Position: Professor
Department of Agronomy, BAU
c) Responsibility : Teaching and Research
d) Teaching experience in the Department of Agronomy, BAU
Lecturer From 1.2.1983 to 27.1.1987
Assistant Professor From 28.1.1987 to 3.8.1993
Associate Professor From 4.8. 1993 to 31.1.2000
Professor From 1.2.2000 to-date
- Salim, M. 2004. Agronomic Characteristics and Productivity of Buckwheat
under Different Management Practices. BAU Res. Prog. 14: 24-25.
- Hasan, M.S.; Hossain, S.M.A., Salim, M.; Anwar, M.P.; and Azad, A.K.M.
2002. Response of Hybrid and Inbred Rice Varieties to the Application Methods
of Urea Supergranules and Prilled Urea. Pakistan J. Biol. Sci. 5(7): 746-748.
- Salim, M. 2001. Agricultural Extension in Bangladesh. Paper presented in
Coordination Meeting of Participatory Rural Development Project held at
Kalihati, Tangail on 18 September 2001, organized by Bangladesh Rural Development
Board and Japan International Co-operation Agency. 12p.
- Salim, M.; Pathan, M.M.H.; and Ali, M. 2000. Effect of Nitrogen, Sulphur
and Boron on the Growth and Yield of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in Old Brahmaputra Floodplain Soil Environment. Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci. 6: 172-176.
- Salim, M.; Akther, S.; and Bhuiya, S.M.U. 1999. Effect of Time and Method
of Sowing on the Yield and Quality of Buckwheat Seed (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench). Bangladesh J. Seed Sci. & Tech. 3(1&2): 49-54.
- Salim, M.; Ali, S.M.H.; Hossain, S.M.A.; and Kashem, M.A. 1998. Effect
of Organic Sources of Nitrogen in Boro Rice Grown under Three Dates of
Planting. Bangladesh J. Environ. Sci. 4: 96-100.
- Salim, M.; Sarkar, M.A.R.; and Hannan, M.A. 1998. Off-season Seed Production
of Tossa Jute as Affected by Time of Sowing and Topping. Bangladesh J. Train. & Dev. 11(1&2): 65-72.
- Yoshino, K.; and Salim, M. 1995. An Observation of Bangladesh Rural Development
Through Bari-Biti (Home Garden). Southeast Asian Studies 33(1): 82-97.
- Salim, M.; Hossain, M.F.; Dasgupta, S.K., Chowdhury, M.M.H.; and Rahman,
M.M. 1995. The State of Service Delivery, edited by Thana Headquarters
(JSRDE Mimeo No. 1). A.K.M. Obaidullah and M.M. Islam. Bangladesh Academy
for Rural Development and Japan International Co-operation Agency. 19p.
- Ando, K.; Salim, M.; Uchida, H.; and Tanaka, K. 1994. Rice-based Cropping
Systems in the Low-lying Areas of Bangladesh, VIII.. Change of Cropping
Patterns from Traditional to Modern in the Floodplain Area. Paper presented
at the 198th meeting of the Crop Science Society of Japan. 28-31 August,
1994. pp.311-312.
- Salim M. 1994. Improvement of the Efficiency of Existing Cropping Systems
of Daskin Chamuria Village. In Report of the Workshop on Mid-Term Review of Joint Study on Rural Development
Experiment Project (JSRDE Pub. No. 2) edited by M.M. Islam, A.K.M. Obaidullah, S.M.A.
Hossain and M.H. Rahaman, pp.7-15. 7-8 December 1993. Bangladesh Academy
for Rural Development and Japan International Co-operation Agency.
- Salim, M.; Ando, K.; Uchida, H.; and Tanaka, K. 1988. Rice-based Cropping
Systems in the Low-lying Areas of Bangladesh. V. Productivity of Boro Rice
and Its Role on the Villagers’ Rice Consumption and Economy. Paper presented
at the 189th meeting of the Crop Science Society of Japan, 3-4 October,
1990 at Tokyo, Japan. pp.8-9.
- Tanaka, K.; Ando, K.; Uchida, H.; and Salim, M. 1990. A Case Study on Hydrologic
Conditions and Development of Rice-Based Cropping Patterns in a Haor Village in Bangladesh. Southeast Asian Studies. 28(3): 41-58.
- Salim, M.; Ando, K.; Uchida, H.; and Tanaka, K. 1990. Village-Level Studies
on Rice-Based Cropping Systems in the Low-Lying Areas of Bangladesh, I.
Cropping Patterns and Their Distribution in Haor and Bil Areas. Japan Jour. Crop Sci. 59(3): 518-527.
- Salim, M.; Ando, K.; Uchida, H.; and Tanaka, K. 1989. Rice-based Cropping
Systems in the Low-lying Areas of Bangladesh, III. Historical Process of
the Development of Boro Rice Cultivation in Haor Areas. Paper presented
at the 188th meeting of the Crop Science Society of Japan, 2-3 October,
1989 at Sendai, Japan. pp.175-176.
- Salim, M.; and Uchida, H. 1988. Cropping Systems of Jawar Village in Kishoreganj. In Agricultural and Rural Development in Bangladesh (JSARD Pub. No. 8) edited by H. Uchida, Y. Kaida and S.M.A. Hossain,
pp.16-28. Japan International Co-operation Agency.
- Salim, M.; Ando, K.; Uchida, H.; and Tanaka, K. 1986. Rice-based Cropping
Systems in the Low-lying Areas of Bangladesh. I. Toposequences, Land Classification
and Water Condition in the Bil and Haor Areas. Paper presented at the 186th meeting of the Crop Science Society
of Japan, 3-4 October, 1988 at Niigata, Japan. pp.263-264.
- Manun, A.A.; Salim, M.; Wahab, M.A.; and Ali, M.A. 1987. Aquatic Weeds
of Bangladesh and Their Control. Tropical Pest Management. 36(3): 224-228.
- Salim, M.; and Hossain, S.M.A. 1986. Effect of Seed Size on Seedling Vigour
and Yield of Maize. Bangladesh J. Agri. Sci. 13(1): 43-49.
- Salim, M.; Hossain, S.M.A.; Mamun, A.A.; and Siddique, M.A. 1985. Yield
of Maize as Affected by Seed Size and Depth of Planting. Bangladesh J. Agric. Res. 10(2): 136-141.
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