Most of my work has focused on the history of borders, smuggling, trade,
and disapora in Southeast Asian History. My new project builds on many
of those methodologies and concerns, but pushes the research in new, religious
directions as well.
My current research focuses on writing a history of the pilgrimage toMecca,
(or Hajj), from Southeast Asia to the Arabian Peninsula, earliest times
to the present. I am interested in exploring this phenomenon from both
historical and ethnographic points of view, and across the breadth and
width of Southeast Asia as a region.
- Cornell University: 2006-Present (Associate Professor)
- Cornell University: 2000-2006 (Assistant Professor)
- Yale University: 1999 (Ph.D/History)
- Yale University: 1995 (M.Phil)
- Yale University: 1993 (M.A.)
- Haverford College: 1989 (B.A/History)
- Secret Trades, Porous Borders: Smuggling and States Along a SoutheastAsian
Frontier, 1865-1915 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005). 437pp.
- The Lit Archipelago: Coastlighting and the Imperial Optic in InsularSoutheast
Asia, 1860-1910・Technology and Culture (Johns HopkinsUniversity Press),
46, 2, 2005: 306-328.
- Ambiguous Commodities, Unstable Frontiers: The Case of Burma, Siam, and
Imperial Britain, 1800-1900・ Comparative Studies in Society and History,(Cambridge
University Press) 46: 2, 2004: 354-377.
- A Necklace of Fins: Marine Goods Trading in Maritime Southeast Asia, 1780-1860・International
Journal of Asian Studies [Cambridge University Press], 1/1, 2004: 23-48.
- Finding Captivity Among the Peasantry: The Malay/Indonesian World, 1850-1925・
South East Asia Research, [University of London Press] 11/2, 2003: 171-200.
- Hydrography, Technology, Coercion: Mapping the Sea in Southeast Asian Imperialism,
1850-1900・Archipel: Etudes Interdisciplinaires sur le Monde Insulindien,
[Ecole des Hautes Etudes/SS, Paris], 65, 2003: 89-107.
- Amphora, Whisper, Text: Ways of Writing Southeast Asian History・CROSSROADS:
Interdisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, [N.Illinois University
Press] 16/1, 2002: 128-158.
- Smuggling in Southeast Asia: History and its Contemporary Vectors in an
Unbounded Region・Critical Asian Studies, (Routledge), 34/2, 2002:193-220.
- Trade, Production, and Incorporation: The Indian Ocean in Flux,1600-1900・Itinerario:
European Journal of Overseas History, [Leiden University Press] 26/1, 2002:
- "Kettle on a Slow Boil: Batavia's Threat Perceptions in the Indies'
Outer Islands, 1870-1910" Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, [Cambridge
and Singapore University Presses] 31, #1, 2000: 70-100
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